I am new to this forum and this is my first post. I wanted to try and find out the answer to a few basic questions about constructing a nice a/v system before I actually did some shopping.
First of all I have a very nice 2 channel stereo system that I really enjoy....odyssey amp & pre amp....cary audio cd player and 2 tower speakers.
I also have a basic 32" sony tv with a 5 channel sony av sound system. The tv set up is nice but I'm seriously thinking about buying my first plasma....probably a 40"-46" panasonic.
My question is I have been told that it is possible to use my pre-amp/amp & tower speakers in my 2 channel system with a few additions and make a nice home theater setup. I know that I will need to buy new higher quality rears and a center channel, but as for the rest I'm totally lost....do I need to buy a av receiver or processor and how would this be hooked up? I'm really lost and frankly am tired of trying to search the net for answers.
I would greatly appreciate any and all members of this forum to chime in and help me out!!!!!!!!!!!