Thanks for all of the replies thus far

Here is a pic of my HT to give you an idea of my setup....
Several thought processes are going on in my twisted mind right now

I do like Klipsch sound but I've also not had a lot to compare it to.
I would really like to keep my budget in the $2000-$2500 range but if I could get a far superior system for only a couple hundred more, then OK.
I compared the previously mentioned Synergy line w/ the Ref 52's because they are about the same price (I bought the Synergy setup at HHGregg and had taxes tacked on and the R52's would be online and no tax or shipping).
However, are the Reference speakers really better or is it just a pretty package w/ some bronze accents and a longer warranty? Would the 52's be a trade down from what I have in terms of performance? Is there a much better package out there for the money and if so what is it?
As I mentioned earlier, I like the sound I'm getting with the Synergy. The bass shakes me and the overall sound is good, IMO. But, I wouldn't buy a hamburger when I could get a steak at the same price (poor analogy, I know).
I'm mostly wanting this for movies and not much else. I want an above avg system that rocks the house. I want it to sound like the roof is coming off the house during a helicopter scene (Black Hawk Down) but I also want to be thrown in the middle of a gunfire or action scene.
I hope this helps clarify my thoughts and thanks everyone for the advice. Keep it coming.