I don't know what the chances are of another September 11th happening but I have to say that unarming pilots if a questionable move. I'd rather there not be guns on a plane but with the lack of a better alternative that is as effective what are you gonna do? There are maniacs who want to get on and crash planes, everyone else needs to be protected. Of course if Obama were to also relook at the notion of airport/airplane security I'd be interested in seeing what he'd propose. The whole system as it is now is just ludicrous and I don't think any of the nonsense of the past eight years have made us determinably safer in airports.
I agree that a war can't be micromanaged. I would think that while leadership and review of actions is needed by governing bodies, the micromanaging should be left to those in the thick of it. Unfortunately some of that micromanaging has gone on throughout the war be it a Republican or Democratically controlled congress.
I agree he had moments of clarity and came across well but overwhelmingly I felt he was a poor public speaker that did not do him or his political office any favors. Certainly I know this is not an opinion I am alone on. Bush's public speaking has been criticised by many, including for educational purposes specifically toward helping people improve their own public speaking.
Additionally regardless of how smart he may or may not actually be, his public speaking and demeanor did not do a particularly fantastic job of representing his intelligence.
Of course, but how he is perceived as a result of his public speeches and behavior contributes to perception and in many ways perception is reality. That certainly contributes to a lack of confidence in decision making. Granted aside from that I still was not fond of his decision making, nor am I hugely fond of many decisions Obama is making. That's another story though.