Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
I'm so out of it anymore. I didn't even know that they made watches that work as remote controls for TVs like this Casio. I'm sure that they've been out for years.



Audioholic Samurai
I really want to watch Kings on Sunday. That looks like a pretty kick *** show. Reminds me of V for Vendetta, which I've been itching to re-watch lately (on my retro-cool hd-dvd player). :p


Audioholic Samurai
how's a guy to get anything done with all of these ******* asterisks?


Audioholic Jedi
Alex's first post. Oh, Monster fanboy. Say it isn't so. :p

Audioholics reviewed the Monster 3500 something or another. Favorably I might add. So I bought one from eBay but have yet to hook up anything substantial. $165 w/ 1 yr satisfaction guarantee.


Audioholic Slumlord
Alex's first post. Oh, Monster fanboy. Say it isn't so. :p
I have four of them now! :rolleyes: You should read the review! :)
How did you find that and what happened to Nick250? I was gonna kick his @$$. How does somebody rack up a couple of thousand posts and then not log on for over a year?

Usually I have brown sugar and honey in my coffee. Today I substituted honey with Splenda. I'm going to eat oatmeal for the first time in over 30 years. I may as well have a veggie corn dog for lunch and tofu for dinner. (shudders) Yesterday I had fish twice. I want to go back to bed and cry.


Audioholic Slumlord
I just ate the oatmeal. Harrr-thuey !! Yuk !!! I think I'd rather die. :mad:
Maybe for lunch I'll just go eat the @$$hole out of a skunk. :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
How did you find that...?

Usually I have brown sugar and honey in my coffee. Today I substituted honey with Splenda.
Why did you knock out the honey? Calories, or was it due to the sugar load? If calories, then I've got nothing to add. If the sugar load, then might I suggest checking out Agave nectar if you haven't tried it. There are a few different brands/types, which I'll give some info on if you want. It has a low glycemic index, so it won't spike your blood sugar. It has about half the glycemic index of honey (and honey is about the same as table sugar), although honey is also labeled as having a low index. I don't like it in my coffee, but I do like it on...wait for it...oatmeal.

I just ate the oatmeal. Harrr-thuey !! Yuk !!! I think I'd rather die. :mad:
What kind did you have? If you ate rolled oats that had been cooked (perhaps in the microwave), then I am totally with you. I hate those things. The consistency makes me nauseous. I love oatmeal cookies, but hate it cooked like that. Then I discovered McCann's Steel Cut Irish oatmeal. Oh, baby. It is NOTHING like rolled oats. They have the original kind that takes 30 minutes to make, but they also have a version that cooks in about 5 minutes that takes darn near the same to me. As I was reading your post, I happen to be eating some of their rolled oats - but not cooked. I just put them in a bowl, put some Agave nectar on top (I prefer this kind for oatmeal), and pour cold milk on the top.


Audioholic Jedi
Cause my g/f said.

The kind my g/f made.

I don't even sneak into her purse to peak anymore. I'm better of without them.
Man, you are really taking this whole bacon embargo pretty hard. :D

If you want to keep living in Quaker Oats hell, that's cool. Some people like to suffer. :p
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