Mel Gibson and BluRay
I hate to admit this, because Mel Gibson is a bigot, sadist, confused religious zealot and all-round hypocrite. But the man knows how to make a movie. Not his pornographic, son-o-god snuff flick "the Passion of the Christ." Mel should be ashamed of himself for making that, and if you watched it and were emotionally moved, you should also be ashamed to be exploited in such a cynically manipulative way. But I was blown-away by his Apocalypto on BluRay. Yes, it's another morality play, but in a Clint Eastwood, revenge of the righteous kind of way. He can make us identify with a small, obscure South American rain forest indian tribe who are as alien to us as Louisiana's governor, Bobby Jindal, and yet we still care. We want them to survive all the brutality heaped upon them. As far as take away lessons, I would hope not many would quibble (Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, George Bush, you all need to watch this again): Sacrificing people to appease your hallucinatory gods only whets their appetite.