Dear Friends:
Our President, Mark L. Schifter will not be available for a short two to three week period of time due to a cardiac related medical condition he is being treated for. Join with me please in wishing Mark a speedy recovery so that he can once again be here and lead our company as he has done for the last 10 years.
It is business as usual at av123, and while all of us have heard rumors of our demise, nothing could be further from the truth. Our business, our suppliers, our sub-contractors have all been here or in direct contact with us in order to improve in the areas where we have needed help and change. Every one of these people are behind us 100%, and have joined in wishing Mark a speedy recovery and back to the office as soon as possible.
Mark will not be allowed any "technology" for a short period of time, so that he may rest, but he has indicated a need in contacting a few of you which given his condition may take a few days. Please be patient with him.
Thank You Very Much
Your av123 Family