My back is feeling much better. Thanks for remembering. I don't know if you read back far enough in this thread, but I also found out I won't be laid off. That's relieved some pressure from my mind but I had to cancel my flight to Norway where I was going to take care of some unfinished business with my time off.
Good to hear Dave and actually, it all makes sense I guess.... getting relief by knowing that you will have a job also releases tension, of course and this probably also affects your back... theese bloody back issues could be stress related too, so.... just keep on fighting
Many of the good things in life start by assurance, knowing that you have a job, and knowing that money will flow in....
There's always light at the end of the tunnel, and...... didn't you know Dave.... I'm not an alien, just a double agent, so I'm really on your side... Adam is a double agent too..... he bloody just don't wont admit it....