so im now thinking about making two of these 12" infinity kappa builds and using them together as a stereo pair but (sorry for what may sound like a stupid question) will they both be able to run off my receiver denon avr-789 ??
No that's an intelligent question. You will need an external amp to drive any subwoofer period. Most commerical amps use plate amps, but for the kappa project I suggest a Behringer EP2500 For this you will need to convert your sub pre-out signal from RCA to XLR, but there are numerous ways to do this.
1 Behringer ep2500 can drive 2 Kappas fairly easily.
For your crossover I suggest a DCX 2496 from Behringer as well. There are numerous ways to set this up. If you have an external amp you can actually use the DCX for you whole system, but you can also use it just for the subs.
Though the box is designed for a specific driver. all the Infinity Perfect 12.1s have a very similar design and response. So you could probably use any of them effectively. I have gleaned all this from reading through the thread on the project. Which I recommend. If you are willing to learn how to build the boxes then you could set yourself up for DIY speakers in the future and teach yourself a trade. It's easy to do with the right tools, patience, and caution.
Remember stupid people assume they have the answers. Smart people ask for help. That's why they know more. Engineers ask questions a lot.