I connected my right speaker wire to the TW3 and I may need to clip the ends off and re-test. They have been out in the open for a long time and just re-making the connection changes the results. Re=.5409Ω and Le=.0178mH, total. I noticed that when the TV is on, I get totally different graphs, with a lot of noise.
I also tested the right channel with the speaker connected and found that the reason they sound as good as they do is because of a collection of happy accidents. The impedance graph looks terrible, but the phase plot is great. The replacement woofers I used, supposedly with parameters that are similar to the original Peerless TO-165, aren't even close. The port tuning and the Fb are clearly not where they should be, either.
Looks bad, sounds good. Oh, well. Time to re-do some things.