Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Field Marshall
Who's gonna stalk me? And for what? Would they follow me to the grocery store? Maybe when things pick up they would like to follow me to work?:confused:

I might be interested in stalking someone for purely recreational reasons. Sport stalking I would call it but aren't you suppose to be sneaky? With me it would be like the elephant hiding behind a tree.:)
Haha! Maybe they would help you carry your groceries in a covert sort of way? Or secretly do work for you? That would be the ideal stalker in my book.

I just think it would be an extra challenge for you to give this sport stalking a try. It could be mildly to extremely entertaining. Let us know how it works out ;).

Good, good ... now take the next step.:)
Are you saying I need to post a FOTO? I am so afraid of sport-stalkers though! A very strange redheaded girl stalked me when I was a freshman living in the dorms. It was so creepy. Somehow she got the combo to my room once and started leaving bizarre notes and things like effigies and voodoo dolls in my bed :eek:. Actually, I am lying about the voodoo dolls and effigies, but everything else is true!

Ah, I guess it isn't any worse than myfacebookyflickrspace. I suppose I will dig a pic up :D.


Audioholic Spartan
Is that a Jimmy Buffet lyric? :confused:
You keep making me Google stuff (Bull Shannon and Negril).:rolleyes:
I just noticed your location and laughed out loud. :D

Your book collection really caught my attention. Several years ago I gave up snooping as dirty and weak minded activity but in this instance I was unable to resist. In the face of this temptation my resolve crumbled and the next thing I knew, there I was; magnifying ... scrolling ...
I stole a lyric from Sunspot Baby, the old Bob Seger classic, because Adam suggested deception would throw you off my scent. It seems that while I may have taken off to the Caymans, my Corvette may not be safe from monkeys in my garage.

Most of the books are leftover texts from my History degree. I'll help you with your snooping. The two yellow books above my right elbow are John Stuart Mill's Principles of Political Economy. On that shelf also sit, not in order, Madame Bovary, The Call of the Toad, the Sound and the Fury and The Strange Career of Jim Crow. Below the computer you will find Economics in One Lesson, the Dictionary of Word Origins, France in Modern Times, Renaissance and Reformation, Imperial Russia, The Face of the Third Reich, Marx's Capitalism, A Separate Peace,and the Bible with a matching Book of Mormon. The bottom shelf holds some reference material, dictionary, thesaurus, quotation books and the New York Public Library Desk Reference. There's a sampling of what's shown in the pics. Many books are in boxes to make way for computer, printer and monitor to fit in the shelf.

I thought you might be interested in the AEGO-M shown sitting on each side of the monitor. That's a groovy little system that got plenty of use in the living room while my Integra was gone for a couple months.


Audioholic Slumlord
I just think it would be an extra challenge for you to give this sport stalking a try.
Sport stalking may have certain unsavory legal ramifications
as it is a catch and release version of the real thing. :eek:

I suppose I will dig a pic up :D.
It doesn't have to be a glamor shot.
It's okay to be yourself and let your hair down like Davemcc.:p

Sweet! I wasn't sure that the wig was going to fool you, but it sounds like it did.

He knew. Why do you think they call it an Adam's Apple? ::rolleyes: :p :D
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Damn Dave - very deep reading there... In my pic if you look REAL close you'll see the top of a plastic grocery bag hanging on a doorknob over my right shoulder. In it are some old MAD magazines and Archie comics of mine from the late 70's that I found at my parent's and brought home for my son. That's the closest thing to a book that I have in my living room - well other than the manual for my Optoma projector that's sitting on my end table gathering dust... :eek: :cool: :D


Audioholic Jedi
I just saw an ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) commercial on TV and immediately went to my computer to research them a bit and donate. I'll admit it...I was crying before that commercial was halfway over. Take my man card if you want, but I struggle with the thought of any creature being terrified and in pain.


Audioholic General
I just saw an ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) commercial on TV and immediately went to my computer to research them a bit and donate. I'll admit it...I was crying before that commercial was halfway over. Take my man card if you want, but I struggle with the thought of any creature being terrified and in pain.
Make sure to order a big ol' box of tampons too, I hear the first period is the heaviest.


Audioholic General
Dude, that's brutal. Do you get drunk every night?
Actually I haven't had a drink in a week or so. But if you insist......

Men are allowed to cry when someone dies, or when watching Mr Holland's Opus.
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Audioholic Spartan
I just saw an ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) commercial on TV and immediately went to my computer to research them a bit and donate. I'll admit it...I was crying before that commercial was halfway over. Take my man card if you want, but I struggle with the thought of any creature being terrified and in pain.

I was on the Great Dane rescue site yesterday...breaks my heart...then makes me mad. Stray Danes...:confused: They must have 5-6 Danes that were picked up stray.:mad: Maybe I'm being insensitive to other dogs but Great Danes??? It's sad and scary to think about. Think about a Dane turned savage to survive...wouldn't want to run across that.

People can be such a-holes!:mad:

I have to stop. I'm getting pissed again about it and I'd like to sleep pleasantly tonight.
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