Really Boring Stuff Only

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Sweet buddy its always cool to place a face to the screen name.....damn I am 6'1 and you look to be way bigger than me bro......:D


Audioholic Slumlord
Oh, yeah - WTF is that statue in the background?! :D

It's just something they had kicking around. That carriage is what a RI senator used to ride down to DC? in for senatorial type stuff. The columns are carved from single trees. Amazing place.

That guy is probably 5'10" maybe 5'11". He's got to be 180 lbs. Those pic's are before the holidays. Having undergone Christmas and smoking cessation I am much fatter and way less happy. It's ridiculous.


Audioholic Jedi
That guy is probably 5'10" maybe 5'11". He's got to be 180 lbs.
Holy cow - that dude has 40 to 50 pounds on me and still looks like child next to you. If we ever meet, and don't take this the wrong way, I am indeed going to run. :D


Audioholic Samurai
are you guys going to make or something? Jeesh. :p

I just watched Tropic Thunder for the 3rd time.

No! No, I didn't say Lance. I said Nance.


Audioholic Jedi
Alright, I don't have any "good" pictures (i.e. me in a mask), but here are some. I tend to stay away from cameras, so I don't have many to choose from.

Me in my house back in 2004 (when I had more hair and worked out more often)

Me in my parent's back yard in 2007 (mere hours after pre-ordering my Ultra!)


Audioholic Jedi
I was reminded of this as I looked at my photobucket account, and I think that it might save some of you from going blind after that last post.

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Audioholic Slumlord
I just thought I'd bring these up front and center for you. :)

Alright, I don't have any "good" pictures (i.e. me in a mask), but here are some. I tend to stay away from cameras, so I don't have many to choose from.

Me in my house back in 2004 (when I had more hair and worked out more often)

Me in my parent's back yard in 2007 (mere hours after pre-ordering my Ultra!)
Don't mention it. ;)


Audioholic Jedi
I'm considering applying to a company in New Mexico. Although I've never been there, that state intrigues me. I kind of imagine that it's less populated than Tucson is these days (great in the 90s, but it's getting more populated).


Audioholic Slumlord
I might look into some of those veggie corn dogs. You look a lot more comfortable than I feel.

Oh, I should have done the 'AH Top Dog Intro' on your pic's. If you have any regrets in the morning, remember that this was all Jamie's idea. :confused: :eek:


Audioholic Ninja
What the....:eek: ??!!

I go away to make dinner and a share a family movie (Kung Fu Panda :eek:) with the missus, AverageJoe and Mrs. AJ, come back and find this....this....picture porn all over this thread!?! And I ain't talkin' beach or Milla pics, either.

I'm smacking that exclamation point thingie in the upper right corner of the posts and turnin' you pervs in to the mod police. :p



Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, I will grow to hate Jamie. :D

You're very kind with the top dog comments, but people should realize that you are number two! Hee, hee. I typed that before I heard it in my head.

Seriously - you're ranked second on the rep board above everyone else including the admins. Impressive, my man. Impressive.

BTW, I might look comfortable, but you're the man with a G/F. I only looked happy because I had an Ultra on order. :D Well, that, and I had a great week at my parents' house. I don't get to see them very often, and it was a really nice time.


Audioholic Jedi
That review business must have sucked hard. You can't go to NM. You just got new floor tile.
The tile is nice, yeah. The review was something that just got me all PO'd. Nothing in a review makes me more mad than being told either (a) that I should have done something that I actually had done or (b) that I shouldn't have done something that I actually never did - especially when it's stuff that I had clearly communicated to my manager. That's what happened yesterday. The punchline was that, after three years of being rated as performing at a level above my job grade...but not getting promoted...I was rated at performing at my job grade - hence, no chance of a promotion on my fourth year at this level.

I joke and I kid, but I take my job seriously and I think that I'm good at it. If they don't want to promote me, fine - there are reasons for it. Just use real ones and not some manufactured BS to back up their case.
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