Visaton Atlantis DIY Proyect



Audioholic Intern
Hello, first of all let me tell you this will be my first proyect of building speakers, the main reason of why i'm looking for a DIY floorstanding speakers, is mainly because i want to replace my actual BOSE 901, for something much better than that. Firstly i was looking for a pair of swan diva 6.2 or a axiom M60 but, i can not get them here in Mexico, and bring them from USA or Canada, will cost me like 1000 dollars or little more, so what i think it's my only option of having a nice descent pair of floorstanding speakers, is build them by my own. that's why i'm asking you if this Visaton Atlantis Speaker kit will be my best opcion of any speaker kit around there, that actually can compete with those speakers i mentioned before.

Visaton Atlantis

or maybe this one, seams to be better. VISATON CONCORDE MKII
but little more expensive

I would appreciate your help or comments.


Audioholic Jedi
Hello, first of all let me tell you this will be my first proyect of building speakers, the main reason of why i'm looking for a DIY floorstanding speakers, is mainly because i want to replace my actual BOSE 901, for something much better than that. Firstly i was looking for a pair of swan diva 6.2 or a axiom M60 but, i can not get them here in Mexico, and bring them from USA or Canada, will cost me like 1000 dollars or little more, so what i think it's my only option of having a nice descent pair of floorstanding speakers, is build them by my own. that's why i'm asking you if this Visaton Atlantis Speaker kit will be my best opcion of any speaker kit around there, that actually can compete with those speakers i mentioned before.

Visaton Atlantis

or maybe this one, seams to be better. VISATON CONCORDE MKII
but little more expensive

I would appreciate your help or comments.
I have no idea. The specifications and details are very sparse. No details of drivers or crossovers. My instincts say rip off, so be careful. What OEM drivers are available to you in Mexico? Do you have any Internet links to OEM speaker suppliers in Mexico?

Could you import raw drivers and crossover components from the US?


Audioholic Ninja
That site sells HiVi and Aurum Cantus, not myself but I'm sure somebody here might be able to put together a pretty solid design provided you can track down quality crossover components..


Audioholic Intern
well in fact, here in Mexico there's no e-supliers that i'm aware of. but i can get the parts that you recommend me from almost mayor e-suppliers on USA or Ebay. so i would appreciate if some one could help me here on building this speakers, or give me an advice on which kit to get, basically what i need is a guide on how to build them, from cabinet, crossover, terminals, insulation, speakers, porting. a guide or kit from a - z.


Audioholic Jedi
well in fact, here in Mexico there's no e-supliers that i'm aware of. but i can get the parts that you recommend me from almost mayor e-suppliers on USA or Ebay. so i would appreciate if some one could help me here on building this speakers, or give me an advice on which kit to get, basically what i need is a guide on how to build them, from cabinet, crossover, terminals, insulation, speakers, porting. a guide or kit from a - z.
It seems to me, you want a set of towers, is that correct. What is your budget? None of the drivers on the site you linked were promising.

We can get you sorted if you can use the major US suppliers of OEM drivers and crossover components.

I assume you have carpentry skills. Can you read circuit diagrams, and can you build a crossover from the circuit?


Audioholic Intern
yes you are right what i want is a pair of towers. well i do have some carpentry skills and i also have a carpenter that could help me out. my budget is around 700 - 900 dollars, i can read basic electronic diagrams and i do can build a crossover from a diagram, the thing is to get a complete parts list since not all electronic parts, port tube if case, terminals or coil supports , this things i can not get them here in mexico so i will have to buythem in usa onlie.
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Audioholic Jedi
yes you are right what i want is a pair of towers. well i do have some carpentry skills and i also have a carpenter that could help me out. my budget is around 700 - 900 dollars, i can read basic electronic diagrams and i do can build a crossover from a diagram, the thing is to get a complete parts list since not all electronic parts, port tube if case, terminals or coil supports , this things i can not get them here in mexico so i will have to buythem in usa onlie.
OK. I will come up with some options. Take a look at this first. There are two highly cost effective designs there. You should come out within budget including shipping and duties with either the MTM or the two and a half way tower. You can get all parts from Madisound.


Audioholic Intern
that proyect seemeed a little confusion to me, but seams to be a great proyect, is there any other pryect and fully 3 way tower speaker? well and a little less confusion to a non expert in audio person?


Audioholic Jedi
that proyect seemeed a little confusion to me, but seams to be a great proyect, is there any other pryect and fully 3 way tower speaker? well and a little less confusion to a non expert in audio person?
I would not build a three way on that budget. The crossover will be complex, and you have to have a mid range driver that has a wide band width, they are few and expensive. On your budget you will be much better off with a two and a half way, or MTM two way tower.

That Audax project is actually quite simple. I can talk you though a build. Do you want MTM or the tweeter on top two and half way configuration?

At your budget I have a design for some mid priced SEAS drivers, that can be MTM or two and a half way. That would just about squeak through on your budget.

However the Audax builds will produce a speakers that are very good performers and unbeatable value for money.

You might want to read through this thread.


Audioholic Intern
that thread about if we need 3 way instead of 2 way was very good even if i understan the half of the threads because the conversation about the xovers. but i will try the 2 1/2 way tower speakers. my question here is which one you recommend me more the audax or the seas? wich of those two will give me the best sound?


Audioholic Jedi
that thread about if we need 3 way instead of 2 way was very good even if i understan the half of the threads because the conversation about the xovers. but i will try the 2 1/2 way tower speakers. my question here is which one you recommend me more the audax or the seas? wich of those two will give me the best sound?
I don't think thee will be much to choose between them. How humid is it where you live? If there is a lot of humidity, I would go with the Audax.


Audioholic Intern
Will this Audax speaker handle my receiver's power? it's 130 watts x channel, but since the audax speaker says 50 watts, i'm doubtful.

well, in fact where i live is like 70 - 80% of humidity. that's a lot of humidity.
i will prepare a hole shopping list, what i would like you to check if i'm doing it alright.

I'm getting counfused in the xover parts what does it means 16 SWG. what does it means? 16 SWG air core inductors

you are giving me tons of help here


Audioholic Jedi
Will this Audax speaker handle my receiver's power? it's 130 watts x channel, but since the audax speaker says 50 watts, i'm doubtful.

well, in fact where i live is like 70 - 80% of humidity. that's a lot of humidity.
i will prepare a hole shopping list, what i would like you to check if i'm doing it alright.

I'm getting counfused in the xover parts what does it means 16 SWG. what does it means? 16 SWG air core inductors

you are giving me tons of help here
I think the power will be fine. The Audax have an honest 50 watt power rating, so you have 100 watts between the two. You will never run at 100 watts continuous power. I bet your average power will not exceed 1 watt.

Speaker power ratings and a lot of other parameters are very dishonest from most manufacturers.

If you really want a speaker that will handle 130 watts continuous, then you will have to up your budget a lot, and look at the SEAS Excel range or Morel drivers, with huge motor systems.

I can bet that the Audax speakers will actually handle more power than the others you were looking at.

The other issue is that the Audax is very sensitive especially in the MTM version. Every time a speaker has a three db increase in sensitivity versus another, then that is the same thing as doubling your amp power.

If it is spl you are worried about, then I would build the MTM version in the extended bass box. That is the box just over 2 cu. ft. The sensitivity will be 90 db 2.83 volts 1 meter. So that doubles the effective amplifier power compared to one with a sensitivity of 87 db, which is typical for most.

With domestic speakers you have to use some common sense. You can destroy anything if you have a will to do so.

Don't worry about the details of the crossover parts. When you pick a design, I will spec the parts for you.


Audioholic Intern
well what i think it's best for me is the the 2 1/2 way floor standing speaker, with the following drives for each speaker.

2x Audax AP170Z0 $22.00/each
1x Scanspeak D2905/95 $132.00/each

making a total for two speaker set of $360 for both speakers, i can still spend like another $200 - $300 top in order to build a better speaker. in that price i'm not including any component of the xovers nor the terminals, dampering, porting tubes, etc. since i don't know what components i'm going to use.


Audioholic Jedi
well what i think it's best for me is the the 2 1/2 way floor standing speaker, with the following drives for each speaker.

2x Audax AP170Z0 $22.00/each
1x Scanspeak D2905/95 $132.00/each

making a total for two speaker set of $360 for both speakers, i can still spend like another $200 - $300 top in order to build a better speaker. in that price i'm not including any component of the xovers nor the terminals, dampering, porting tubes, etc. since i don't know what components i'm going to use.
You will need two Scanspeak tweeters, and I think it is worth the money. I have to go and move snow now. I will source your components tonight. You will have a great set of speakers if you build them well.


Audioholic Jedi
You will need two Scanspeak tweeters, and I think it is worth the money. I have to go and move snow now. I will source your components tonight. You will have a great set of speakers if you build them well.
I will source your parts over the weekend. I have been tweaking the diffraction compensation circuit, and have improved things. I have also changed it for the Scanspeak tweeter for you.

Here is the crossover.

The diffraction compensation starts at 600 Hz, which should be optimal for these drivers. There is 6 db of boost to compensate for the diffraction loss, of the narrow cabinet. Make the enclosure as narrow as you can, for optimal imaging.

We have a big weekend here. It is Eelpout festival on Walker Bay Leech lake. The town moves onto the frozen lake this weekend.

Hopefully I will get a moment to source your components.



Audioholic Intern
Well it looks like you are having fun, have a great weekend there and keep having a great time, thank you, i see you any around next week.

just one thing is there any consideration that i have to take in my mind in the design process? like separete the Tweeters, from mid-subs, or i have to build like a grill of wood inside the cabinet or something like that to considererate in the design besides the size and narrow?

I'm also getting a little confused here, i saw the diagram you improve here, but i saw only one tweeter, wasn't i going to use 2 T on each speaker?

thank you againg and have a great weekend.
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Audioholic Jedi
Well it looks like you are having fun, have a great weekend there and keep having a great time, thank you, i see you any around next week.

just one thing is there any consideration that i have to take in my mind in the design process? like separete the Tweeters, from mid-subs, or i have to build like a grill of wood inside the cabinet or something like that to considererate in the design besides the size and narrow?

I'm also getting a little confused here, i saw the diagram you improve here, but i saw only one tweeter, wasn't i going to use 2 T on each speaker?

thank you againg and have a great weekend.
It was great Eelpout weekend. We had 4.5 inches of snow the day and night prior. The ice was 30" thick. There were thousands out on Walker Bay. The temperature was around 10 degrees F in the middle of the day.

There was a swimming pool cut in the ice in front of Chase on the Lake. Hardy soles were jumping in all day, and a lot of money was raised for charity.

Our guests left about four hours ago.

Anyhow I have added the component list on the web site. Cost of crossover components, circuit boards, vents and terminal cups is $323.94 USD.

There is only one tweeter in each speaker.


Audioholic Intern
why don't you share some pics of the fest with us.

well i already bought all pieces from madisound. xover parts, and also the tweeters, just left the Audax AP170Z0 that are not available from madisound, so i will get them from parts-express. but after i complete my order.

is there any other thing i should considered about the building of the case? something like damping material, glue?

and sorry if i'm too anoing about this. is there something i should considered about the case design, something like, to separate the tweeter case, from mids, of ech mid on it's own case, or maybe like constructing a lab inside the case, that kind of things, i will do a sketch on paper about the desing and maybe you can give me some of your oppinions here.


Audioholic Jedi
why don't you share some pics of the fest with us.

well i already bought all pieces from madisound. xover parts, and also the tweeters, just left the Audax AP170Z0 that are not available from madisound, so i will get them from parts-express. but after i complete my order.

is there any other thing i should considered about the building of the case? something like damping material, glue?

and sorry if i'm too anoing about this. is there something i should considered about the case design, something like, to separate the tweeter case, from mids, of ech mid on it's own case, or maybe like constructing a lab inside the case, that kind of things, i will do a sketch on paper about the desing and maybe you can give me some of your oppinions here.
You are not annoying at all. I'm happy to help the constructor. As mentioned on my web page, half the internal surfaces should be covered wit a damping material. A rock wool type product is best, available from lumbar yards. The whole of the back surface should be covered.

Brace the cabinet well using cross braces every 6 to nine inches.

The tweeters are sealed, so you do not need a sub enclosure. The two Audax units for a design like this should be in the same space.

The best clue is Tightbond. I use dados, made by table saw or router and clamping with no fasteners. I also use pre veneered board. You do it in such a way , that exposed edges will take quarter round. The whole thing looks professional and it makes it easy to get a good finish, and the veneers do not peel off.

I will be happy to review your places. This should be a straightforward build, but it is your first, so I expect you to have questions.

If you should have a problem with the crossovers, you can send them to me to sort out and fix. I will do what ever it takes to make sure you have a good set of speakers.

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