The 905 was sold out last time I looked, actually, as are, it seems, most of the x05 or x75 Onkyo models. I want the 3808 for the Pre/Pro section, not the amp section, so I am not too concerned with the weight. I like other little things about the Denon as well, such as its networking control capabilities and GUI. I have had good luck with Denon in the past, and all of those refurbished Onkyos out there make me uncomfortable, as does Davemcc's issues with his Integra. Plus, it is less than $1500 with 25% off.
If I get a new AVR, I will be using it as a Pre/Pro, and using the amp section of my Rotel, until I can go the pro amp route. I am also pseudo-actively shopping for these amps and speakers, as I expect to get a job soon and be done with schooling FOREVER