Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Ninja
Square dancing - I loved that part of PE class when I was a kid! Dorky, probably, but I really enjoyed it. That and dodge ball.
HA...square dancing. That gives new meaning to "Ala-man right with the ol' right hand!" ;)


Audioholic Jedi
Turns out the my officemate has the same type of garage door opener that I used to have, but he needs a remote for his. I found that out when I was telling him about my new opener. Shockingly, those remotes cost $40 at Sears. So, I'm going to give him one of my old ones. He mentioned paying me $15, and I didn't say anything - but I'm not going to charge him.

Maybe I'll have him get me a coffee from Starbucks or something. :)


Audioholic Slumlord
I don't even know what that means - but bring it on. :D
Now I got nothin' but I was thinking about something sexual and mildly degrading in exchange for a garage door remote.

Tomorrow is right, I have 'lost a step'. I think he even used a 'call'. He keeps sayin' he's old. I'm startin' to believe him.


Audioholic Jedi
"You can have the remote. You just have to put some cream in my coffee first."

Something like that?


Audioholic Slumlord
"You can have the remote. You just have to put some cream in my coffee first."

Something like that?

Yep, that's sufficiently twisted. A little off the mark but down the right road.:D


Audioholic Jedi
:eek: You weren't thinking about two guys and a cup, were you?

I'm just wondering what mark you were shooting for. You have me all curious, now. Darn it, man!


Audioholic Jedi
Well, my curiousity has suddenly been overtaken by my tired eyes. Time to walk the pooch again (although it just got very windy, so maybe she won't want to go) and hit the sack.

Good night, all!


Audioholic Slumlord
:eek: You weren't thinking about two guys and a cup, were you?

I'm just wondering what mark you were shooting for. You have me all curious, now. Darn it, man!
I didn't have anything specific in mind. I wasn't able to come up with a worthy comment once I was put on the spot but you don't want some guy putting cream in your coffee. However the sentiment is pretty sick and that's something I always appreciate.

That cup business? Even I have boundaries.:)

EDIT: Unlike Dave.:eek:


Audioholic Spartan
Bought 3 airline tickets between Bergen and Kyiv in less than 24 hrs :p


Audioholic Spartan
Ahhhh-HA!!! Australian is a fine primer to American.
I wonder how mike c does it. He types with no trace of an accent.:D
I'd say I prefer Aussie lingo to American, nice language with many nice words
Where else in the would you say barbie.... and actually mean bbq :cool:


Audioholic Slumlord
I'd say I prefer Aussie lingo to American, nice language with many nice words
Where else in the would you say barbie.... and actually mean bbq :cool:
I'm sure that Australia is similar in that it's regional accents are diverse but America really offers a wide variety local dialects. School sort of homogenizes language but you take 3 drop outs from CA, NY and TX and watch that conversation.:)

English English is pretty wild to my ear. As soon as I hear the word rubbish I'm instantly awaiting the word knickers.:D


Audioholic Spartan
I'm sure that Australia is similar in that it's regional accents are diverse but America really offers a wide variety local dialects. School sort of homogenizes language but you take 3 drop outs from CA, NY and TX and watch that conversation.:)

English English is pretty wild to my ear. As soon as I hear the word rubbish I'm instantly awaiting the word knickers.:D
Hmmmmm, thinking about this, you would probably be very happy down-under, coz there are many rude words in that language, suits your personality, I think :D


Audioholic Ninja
Tomorrow is right, I have 'lost a step'. I think he even used a 'call'. He keeps sayin' he's old. I'm startin' to believe him.

Even at our age, the missus and I can still do the Square Dance Boogie. Here's a video from our last anniversary party.

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Audioholic Spartan
Now I got nothin' but I was thinking about something sexual and mildly degrading in exchange for a garage door remote.

Tomorrow is right, I have 'lost a step'. I think he even used a 'call'. He keeps sayin' he's old. I'm startin' to believe him.
You may be very very grumpy, but I don't think you're old :rolleyes:
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