Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Spartan
If I'm reading that right the Pressario has a graphics card and an extra gig of ram.
I'm starting to want again.:eek::D

Don't know the specs of these machines, but........

Don't even think about a PC with less that 2GB of RAM if you run Vista, preferably 3GB or even 4GB, a PC with Vista and 1GB can only be used as a brick to protect books from falling, useless for anything else, coz Vista is a real memory hog.....


Audioholic Spartan
sth??? something??? :confused::confused::confused:

Don't mind me. I'm awake and cranky. I wanna say something rude with the word 'blogger' in it, but in a fun/mean spirited way. I started chewing gum. I hate gum. It's a complete waste of time. All this chewing and no eating.

Happy Presidents Day. (I think. :eek:)
Immigrants should mind their own business. :eek:

I am one. :p
Better watch out, Alex is awake :eek::eek::eek::eek:


Audioholic Spartan
I'm picturing Adam driving in and out of his garage several times smiling at the smooth operation of his new opener and consequently being a half-hour late for work... :D :D
That thing Adam does defeats the purpose of the whole thing.... he's supposed to be saving time, but now he's going to be so proud of his new garage door so yes, he'll never get out....


Audioholic General
Don't know the specs of these machines, but........

Don't even think about a PC with less that 2GB of RAM if you run Vista, preferably 3GB or even 4GB, a PC with Vista and 1GB can only be used as a brick to protect books from falling, useless for anything else, coz Vista is a real memory hog.....
XP 4 life.


Audioholic Spartan
XP 4 life.
Or Linux, with new Compiz desktop..... really really love that thing, absolutely great, Microsoft never made anything like this .... Better than xp, I think....
I run Suse Enterprise Deskop (Linux) on my Dell laptop, can recommend this thing......


Audioholic Slumlord
Dude all the good porn is in english buddy......:D
That is so true. You wouldn't think it but the German language stuff is bizarre. They pull the kind of stuff that I would only expect from the French.:eek::D

Sorry, I know that we have a Mud-something (mudcat?) member who gets all bent with the French bashing. Only kidding big guy.;)

Yes, Adam is an angel. :rolleyes::D

Tomorrow, I hope you got that Staples deal. I did some reading on a computer geek forum and they have known about that deal for days. No wonder they were sold out right quick.


Audioholic Jedi
Alex - that deal at Staples was the best laptop deal to come around in about eight months. You should have bought one. You done effed up on that, brother.

J/K! :D Just my mean streak coming out.



Audioholic Slumlord
I was howling before I got to the end of the first sentence. Been quite a day for me between you and Tomorrow.:D


Audioholic Ninja
Nope, I didn't get one either. 25 miles was too far to drive for a lousy computer that will end up aggravatin' me, anyway. :)

I actually need some other stuff more than a laptop, I decided. This computer is on it's last drive to nowhere. I really need a new desktop (2 would be better) in the worst way. Then I need another subwoofer. And a Stag Arms AR15. And a new center channel speaker. And an amplifier. And......:eek:

Hey Adam. Doesn't it sound like Alex has lost a step?


Audioholic Jedi
Poor Alex. He's probably feeling like the new guy in prison right now.


Audioholic Slumlord
I can't believe that all three of you guys know what 'lost a step' means.
This is like the Twilight Zone of Americana.
How's Harald gonna understand that?
It's new to me.

Probably some square dancing lingo from ... out yonder.:D
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