Ground Loop Issue With Cable TV



Audioholic Jedi
Granted, mine is a "power conditioner," but it DID solve my hum.
I had 2 power conditoners at the time, both good ones from Panamax, and neither of them solved my hum issue. The $9 isolation transformer did.


Audioholic Overlord
Stupid question but will a HD feed(HD SAT) be ok going through this?
Get this guy and try it: It worked for me. There is a whole thread on how to solve ground loop hum if you haven't reviewed it already. A surge suppressor WILL NOT solve this issue, as I have two of them and neither removed the hum from my system in my previous place. I called the cable company and they eventually got around to correcting the issue and that is ultimately what you need to do. It should be completely free too.


Thanks again everyone for the comments. I tried the power conditioner (first) with the common 110v and cable grounds (inside) and as TLSGuy advised, that did not correct it. I lifted grounds one at a time and that did not stop it. In the end there was only one piece of equipment that did not have the 3 pin 110v power connector and it was the Bose 901 Processor. I reversed the plug and that did not help. However, when I changed speakers and eliminated the Bose 901 Processor, the problem went away immediately.

I imagine the common ground outside at the service entrance would stop it as well, but for now the problem has been resolved with removing the Bose Preamp. I guess it may be time for the 901s to find a new home (or at least use them somewhere without a TV and cable connection).

Thanks again to everyone,


Audioholic Jedi
Stupid question but will a HD feed(HD SAT) be ok going through this?
Unfortunately, I can't answer that. I don't see why it wouldn't, but you never know. You'd have to check with PE.

Good that you got it solved JCW :)

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