Tommy, don't get discouraged. This forum has many knowledgeable people that are always willing to help. TLS Guy is one of them.
Don't waste a golden opportunity to learn the facts, and never let one's ego hinder the learning process.
I'm trying to think of a way to explain this...
I'm not sure what your profession is?
So, let's say for example, you're a chef with many years experience. A new guy comes into the kitchen and says, "Did you know that cold tap water boils faster than hot tap water?"
An experienced chef would know that it is untrue, and it speaks volumes about the new guys knowledge and experience level.
There are sound scientific, and professional reasons why copper wire comes in the many sizes, and with the different insulations that it does. It's all based on years of testing to find the right application for each type of wire. Don't waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel, or battling the laws of physics.
Please listen to what TLS Guy has to offer, he's very knowledgeable and always willing to help.
Don't get upset. Get back up, brush yourself off, and get on your way to becoming a true Audioholic.
If anyone was crazy enough to read this far... Thanks. My speech is done.