I was told wayyyyy back in High School after an IQ test that I was near genius IQ by the school counselor and she asked me why I wasn't applying myself in my schoolwork (I was admittedly a mediocre student). I told her that I was "saving my brains for college"... she didn't quite see the humor in that..
I just spent a half-hour on the "MENSA Workout" just to see if I've lost much over the years - surprisingly I did pretty well but a couple of them really taxed my tired old brain...
-results page quote-
Your score was 25 out of 30. That is an excellent score—you would have a very strong chance of passing the Mensa test and joining Mensa.
Please note that the Mensa Workout is NOT the official Mensa test, and your score will not qualify or disqualify you for membership.
-end quote-
Try this if you wanna see how you stack up.
Now I gotta have a drink...