Funny Craigslist Post's....



Audioholic Jedi
More funny to me: Jamie was perusing the classifieds for New Kids on the Block stuff. :D


Looking for something to keep you warm at night, and you found that tape?

Now the creepy feeling begins...

;) :)
Wow now I am feeling pretty dirty. I must go take a shower......a cold one:D


Audioholic Jedi
Just for you, my man.

I'm not saying anything, except - not that there's anything wrong with that. :D
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Full Audioholic
Just keep "Hangin' Tough" through the cold months and you won't need a portable heater;)


Audioholic Slumlord
Maybe it lacked acceptable WAF. He may have only been the messenger.
Probably because he was giving that master piece away for free to some lucky Craigslist shopper. :rolleyes:

Is 'Henry Bowman' a place or a person?
Ya know, I Googled that and didn't come up with much but from seeing that one piece I wasn't really inspired to look very hard.

While I'm at it I may as well come right out and goof on the guy in Classifieds selling something for the price of new ... OBO. :D I'd like to say I ain't got time for this but the truth is I do and I kinda like spending my time doin' this but I'm not proud of that fact. I should find something less shameful to do.

I had a list ... ;) :p


Audioholic Samurai
I remembered this master piece of a thread and tracked it down just for this entry:

" ... no longer fits home decor." LOL! :D

Freakin' Rhodian Islanders, now you see why I tell people I just live here. :)
I'm not from here. :p
I wonder if he's selling the rest of the decor that goes with that one of a kind item. I'd hate to buy it only to find it doesn't look right in the living room.:p


Audioholic Slumlord
I wonder if he's selling the rest of the decor that goes with that one of a kind item. I'd hate to buy it only to find it doesn't look right in the living room.:p
It's free. :rolleyes:

The 'Henry Bowman' thing might be the owner. The ad says to ask for Henry. :confused:

Somebody should contact him and tell him that it's just what they been lookin' for but they can't afford the shipping. See if he would be willing to pay to ship it. It would make for a great conversation piece and it would make him feel good. If you're not motivated by the do-gooder scenario you could video yourself breaking it into a million pieces and ship it back to him in a much smaller box with the video. There should be some saucy musical accompaniment and a narration explaining why that thing needed to be taken out for good. :D



Subject: This was actually on Craigslist

"Looking for someone special who would kill my drummer for $100.00. do not fear any negative consequences for this act. any self respecting law enforcement agency would gladly turn the other cheek once they hear this guy "play". I am tired of hearing his 70's style fills put in the wrong spot and ending one half beat early or late depending on how much he's had to drink. I am tired of him standing up behind his drums between songs and ripping his shirt off and flexing his muscles at wedding receptions where we were hired to play Air Supply, Carpenters , and Ann Murray songs because "chicks dig the pecs, dude". I am tired of him showing up 20 minutes late for rehearsals then pouting until someone helps him load in his drums, then taking 30 minutes to set them up and needing a smoke break every 15 minutes, then wanting to leave early because "this chick is so fine, I can't say no, and she knows record people dude, so it's for the band" I am totally done with him calling me up at midnight to play me some damned jazz fusion album from 1981, crying and saying how we shouldn't have sold out to "the man" and asking if I know anyone who can get him some weed knowing full well I smoked twice in 69 and never touched it after that. I am sick of him farting on stage where the drum mics pick it up and thinking this **** is funny.

I am sick and tired of counting off slow ballads at well under 80 bpm, only to have them morph into the methamphetamine version of "flight of the bumble bee", because that's the tempo he "feels" it at.

I am tired of having to carry jumper cables to the gig because "I must have left the dome light on again, dude" instead of admitting his 84 oldsmobile is a worn out piece of crap. I am tired of him asking when he's gonna get a drum solo. I am tired of paying his tab at restaurants because "that chick must have stole my wallet man, but it was worth it 'cause she was a phreak". I will not move my amp again so he can put another new cymbal on the stage, because "when we learn some fusion i'll need this sound"… please somebody kill this mother****er. i can't do it because he's my brother and mom would be so pissed off even though she thinks the band would probably sound better too. besides, if you are good at killing drummers, you could probably make a lot of money in this town."

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