
Junior Audioholic
Well, i had nothing better to do today, so i installed Windows 7 (build 7000). A couple things struck me:

- Full install took no more than 20 minutes (compared to 3 hours on Vista)
- Boot up time is around 20 seconds (compared to 30-40 on Vista)
- Shutdown times are the same on both OS's
- It is faster for me when running most apps and games.
- It knew that i was installing it on a separate partition, so it AUTOMATICALLY created a dual boot (strap?). And, all the OS's were named perfectly.
-All the drivers worked without hassle, and so did all my programs.

Not to mention the new taskbar (VERY handy) and the new Aero functions. I actually used most of them, and found them to make my life much easier. All in all, this thing runs up and down vista's ***.

Anyone else tried it?


Audioholic Overlord
Could it be that they found a way to make an operating system that was an improvement and not retarded (in the literal sense of the word)? It blows my mind how they can develop something less effective (vista vs xp) when technology should be more advanced.


Audioholic Ninja
Could it be that they found a way to make an operating system that was an improvement and not retarded (in the literal sense of the word)? It blows my mind how they can develop something less effective (vista vs xp) when technology should be more advanced.
The vista technology is certainly more advanced than xp... it just sometimes takes second and third generation advances to come up with a superior product... from what i've read, windows 7 (vista platform based) just might be that product...
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I'm downloading the beta right now. I didn't want to wait till the official release so I'm downloading it via a torrent. I have been looking forward to trying it. It's a rare breed, a Microsoft product getting positive spin. I think they got it right. I will hopefully find out tommorrow when I install it on my laptop. I might install it on my older PC to see how it runs. If it goes well on those two machines then I will install it on my main desktop.


Audioholic Spartan
I haven't even considered messing with Windows 7, but you have piqued my curisoity. I have had very positive experiences with Vista, but then again I've never attempted to run it on a PC that didn't have plenty of memory and processing power.


Could it be that they found a way to make an operating system that was an improvement and not retarded (in the literal sense of the word)? It blows my mind how they can develop something less effective (vista vs xp) when technology should be more advanced.

I completely agree. By the way, your new avitar, is that you? :cool: You look sophisticated and dignified, now I will listen ( or continue to listen too) your opinions and advice :D

Vista was so lame as well as Office 2007.

Where can I get Windows 7 is it GA yet?

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Audioholic Spartan
It looks like the beta was just released yesterday, and isn't available to everyone yet.


Audioholic Samurai
I'm still running XP at home since I heard so many horror stories about Vista. I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm anxious to see what Win7 can do and how it feels.


Audioholic Spartan
As long as the software you are running is of a somewhat current version, and you have a decent PC, there really isn't anything wrong with Vista. For the most part it operates the same as XP, but with some improvements. If you have a good enough machine to run the Aero then it's even nicer.


Seriously, I have no life.
Well, i had nothing better to do today, so i installed Windows 7 (build 7000). A couple things struck me:

- Full install took no more than 20 minutes (compared to 3 hours on Vista)
- Boot up time is around 20 seconds (compared to 30-40 on Vista)
- Shutdown times are the same on both OS's
- It is faster for me when running most apps and games.
- It knew that i was installing it on a separate partition, so it AUTOMATICALLY created a dual boot (strap?). And, all the OS's were named perfectly.
-All the drivers worked without hassle, and so did all my programs.

Not to mention the new taskbar (VERY handy) and the new Aero functions. I actually used most of them, and found them to make my life much easier. All in all, this thing runs up and down vista's ***.

Anyone else tried it?
They have you right where they want you. Be afraid. Be very afraid.:D


Audioholic Spartan
They have you right where they want you. Be afraid. Be very afraid.:D
Just wait... the retail version will have all the bloatware bundled with it and all the listed times will likely double :p


Seriously, I have no life.
Was Jan 9 the only date to download the Beta version?


Senior Audioholic
Well, i had nothing better to do today, so i installed Windows 7 (build 7000). A couple things struck me:

- Full install took no more than 20 minutes (compared to 3 hours on Vista)
3hrs to install vista? :eek:

Mine installed in about 20-25 mins! Can you tell me what kind of rig you own? How are you liking the jump lists/new task bar?

I thought the fact that they merged running apps with quick launch shortcuts on the task bar a bad idea, but having never used it, can't really say how bad it is.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
Just wait... the retail version will have all the bloatware bundled with it and all the listed times will likely double
I think that is exactly that they are not going to do this time. They have greatly componentized Windows 7 and many apps that always came preinstalled are no longer integrated. The photo gallery, mail program, and quite a few other apps are nowhere to be found after the install. The Windows Live Essentials pack includes many of those missing programs and one can choose which ones to install.

I have installed Windows 7 and so far I am impressed. I installed it on my older desktop which has an AMD AthlonXP 1800+ CPU and 1GB of RAM. The performance is excellent. It boots up just as quick as XP did. The Live Essentials pack is very good. I prefer the Live Photo gallery to Picasa and Live Mail is far superior to any consumer email client MS has produced.

Windows 7 is not a revolutionary step. It is evolutionary. It is better than Vista in many ways. It is more refined and performs much better.


Audioholic Spartan
I certainly hope so... I'm looking forward to it's release.


Junior Audioholic
3hrs to install vista? :eek:

Mine installed in about 20-25 mins! Can you tell me what kind of rig you own? How are you liking the jump lists/new task bar?

I thought the fact that they merged running apps with quick launch shortcuts on the task bar a bad idea, but having never used it, can't really say how bad it is.

i was running the same computer im running now. Dell XPS 410, Dual core 2.4 GHz processor, nVidia 8600GT, 2GB ram.

i think youll come to like the new taskbar :D it grows on you :p


Senior Audioholic
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let all you Windows 7 fans know that tomorrow (May 5th) the RELEASE CANDIDATE is going to be up for grabs from Microsoft's Windows 7 website... The build number is 7100 (I've been using it for a few weeks, and it works great!)

Microsoft suggests that with the RC we either do CLEAN INSTALLS, or revert back to Vista and do an upgrade. (They want real-world scenarios for feedback).

From what I also see, and from what I have experienced, it seems that each build of Windows 7 gets consecutively faster, and takes less time to install.

To anyone that hasn't gotten to try this OS out yet, I would most deffinetly suggest you to do so!

The RC will be available from May 5th into July.

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