As far as the no money no time argument... i'm calling BS... No excuse. Anything thats important in anyones life, they WILL make time for. Family important, you make time.. Golf important, you make time... Home Theater important, you make time. It takes getting up half an hour earlier to get a decent amount of exercise in. HALF AN HOUR. You want to lose weight, you truly think its important, then drop the excuses and make the freakin time. As far as money goes... Family of four gets a value meal at mcdonalds... 22 bucks probably all said and done. that buys 2 dozen eggs, 4lbs of veggies, 1lb of oatmeal, pack of chicken breasts, loaf of bread, box of rice, and a gallon of milk EASY. Its actually cheaper to purchase fresh food and make healthy choices than to buy processed convenience. People need to make better choices for themselves and their families... Bottom line, eating poorly and sitting around getting fatter is just plain lazy... no excuses... none..
off the soapbox now..