almost forgot I started this thread, sorry guys..
I am looking to hook my Dell laptop up to my Sammy and not have to use my PC speakers as noise..
I am pretty sure I can't just slap a new card in my laptop as there is nowhere to put it??
I understand how to hookup my tv as the monitor, but how do I get the sound though my reciever?
as for the RS232 I thought maybe it was a way to control everything, never used it b4 and was unsure what it did..
As for Dell PC's, I have had nothing but problems!! Took over 9 months, 11 pages worth the phone call notes by Dell, ~20 hours of phone calls, 2 mother boards, 3 sets of memory, 2 hard drives, and one pissed off consumer to finally get them to try and send me a brand new REFURB'ed computer?? I mean WTF, I didn't pay over $1600 for a refurb, I refused to take that and finally got a guy who spoke good english and offered a brand new laptop, after I asked for a refund.. The new one has since been down for a video card.. That only took 3 months to fail..
oh and the original issue was a BSOD for memory parity errors.. I think it was the original tops video card, but who am I to say.. I only make wafers not software.. LOL
Anyway, that felt good to tell that story!! lol I'll go Mac next..