As I have mentioned in the past, the original TDTESS is one of the 3 best science fiction movies ever made (Forbidden Planet and 2001: A Space Odyssey being the other 2). As such, I was expecting this movie to be horrible, but it was not as bad as I thought it would be, though I still had a lot of problems with it. I agree with many of the posts here that the ending was lame and GORT was very under used. Also, I didn't think KR did a very good job acting. One of the things that makes the original so good is their accuracy of science (especially the physics presented) and mathematics. As is the case with most movies and TV shows of today, scientists are protrayed as either medical doctors or some type of biologist. I guess since so many college students these days don't take physics or do extremely poor in algebra-based physics (very few take any higher forms of physics in college), movie makers don't have the leading smart people as physicists anymore. I was very perturbed to see Prof. Barnhart as some type of biologist instead of a physicist and was even more perturbed when Klaatu says that the equation on the blackboard was wrong once I saw what was written on the blackboard. First, the equation appeared to be one of the field equations of general relativity, which a biologist would have no interest in solving nor even know how to write it down, and there was no solution written on the board, just the equation (unlike the original movie which had a Taylor series solution to a differential equation in celestial mechanics which Klaatu helps Prof. Barnhart solve). It was unclear what the current Klaatu (KR) was writing and what and why John Cleese started writing on the blackboard as this Klaatu was working on the board. Also, I didn't like what they did with GORT (I won't give anything away here). Finally, evidently Klaatu doesn't seem to think that plants are lifeforms, since he only seemed interested in saving the animal population. The animals wouldn't last long on the planet without plants (though perhaps the "cloud" was smart enough not to eat the plants). I see that this movie didn't do well during this second weekend which doesn't surprise me at all. I hope Hollywood does not try to remake Forbidden Planet.
I did buy the original movie on Bluray last week and was very impressed with this Bluray disk.