Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Spartan
You're lucky. My area is dominated by auto plants and their suppliers that have had a ton of layoffs and plant closures. I think we're at about 12% unemployment locally which has really hit the housing values here. It's a good thing I like my neighbors 'cause I'm going to be right here a long time.


Audioholic Samurai
ha ha, don't tell me it's the bag end's that keep you up till the morning :cool:

And I have a life too now........
Haha, actually she got up like an hour after I went to bed. Tonight however, well, actually I got a set at 12pm-1am and then we'll probably chill a bit (free drinks haha) and then go home and ... :D

The Bag End's do keep me up late though, I can't believe how good they sound. It almost makes me disappointed with some other speakers I have that cost more. It's not a high output speaker though, its a nearfield/midfield monitor. I've actually been monitoring a lot lower lately because they are so clear at low volumes. They still crank up pretty good, but, there are different speakers more suited for that.


Audioholic Spartan
Haha, actually she got up like an hour after I went to bed. Tonight however, well, actually I got a set at 12pm-1am and then we'll probably chill a bit (free drinks haha) and then go home and ... :D

The Bag End's do keep me up late though, I can't believe how good they sound. It almost makes me disappointed with some other speakers I have that cost more. It's not a high output speaker though, its a nearfield/midfield monitor. I've actually been monitoring a lot lower lately because they are so clear at low volumes. They still crank up pretty good, but, there are different speakers more suited for that.
he ha ha, very interesting thoughts....

When I want to listen loud I use my Meadowlark Kestrel2's but when I really want to get into music I connect my old ugly looking mini monitors.. Duntech PCL 15's... they look like crap, cannot play loud..... but the music that comes out from these speakers... bl$%%%£& fuc%$ he*%

At low volumes the Duntech PCL 15's are better than speakers costing way way way way more.... I can't believe how good they are.............

And soon my girlfriend arrives back to me here :))))))))))

Where can I find the free drinks :D


Audioholic Slumlord
Tomorrow I'm going to check out some historic homes here in RI.
How's that for boring?
Need more? Okay, I'm going to take pic's.
More? I got my hands on a tripod recently.


Audioholic Jedi
I'm falling asleep just thinking about checking out historic houses.

I'm watching a new Christmas special on CBS. Wow, it sucks. Good golly, it's about Santa's flying horses. Not reindeer, horses. And one of them apparently has a bastard son who appears to be the equivalent of Rudolf. Man, Christmas specials sure have gone downhill. The specials from the 60s were the shizzle.


I watched Rudolphs Shiny New Year tonight....Adam you are right the Bass Rankin stuff from the 60's rocks....


One more day until my in-laws leave....shoot me now. We have had family over for the past two weeks straight. I'm about to boot my grandma-inlaw to a retirement home too.:eek:


Audioholic Jedi
Wait...apparently they are reindeer. They just call themselves flying horses.

Still lame, but at least not some attempt to totally change the story. Still, "Rudolf" being a bastard child from some one-night stand is lame. Mabe that'll get cleared up, but I'm off to walk the pooch.


Audioholic Jedi
Only seven more days until my pooch licks her yeast infection on my brand new carpet.

I better go buy more alcohol...


Audioholic Spartan
One more day until my in-laws leave....shoot me now. We have had family over for the past two weeks straight. I'm about to boot my grandma-inlaw to a retirement home too.:eek:
Hang in there. there's worse things than having inlaw's at visit...
Think about how good it feels when she leaves :cool::cool:

Well... Personally I would prefer drinking sulphoric acid compared to visiting my ex-inlaw's... but best thing... they are ex-inlaw's :D


Audioholic Slumlord
One more day until my in-laws leave....
How come they're not called outlaws?

Only seven more days until my pooch licks her yeast infection
Nuh-uh, no way you just said your dog has a yeast infection.

The homes I expect to see today are borderline mansions from what I gather. The woodwork in them will have been done without the benefit of power tools. The species for the most part are no longer available as lumber. I'm expecting to see some old growth mahogany lumber amongst other things. Farmed trees produce lumber with large annular rings that lend themselves to neither beauty nor strength.

IIRC less than 4% of America's forests are old growth so seeing any new furniture or moldings made from it is unlikely. I have bought a few pieces of Tiger Maple on eBay for $25-$30 a piece to incorporate into my computer desk. My monitor sits on a 6"x12"x7/8" unfinished piece that has bark on one edge.

Even though I'm interested in this stuff I realize that for most people this is only slightly more interesting than golf ball technology. I have a book called What Wood Is That. It has samples of veneers from 40 species used for lumber.

Have I put the membership into a Borg sleep state? :D
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