Denon AVP-A1HDCI / POA-A1HDCI Review Support Thread

Seth V

Seth V

Volume ramp up issue

The following is a PM I recently sent Gene, and he suggested I post it here as well. He has forwarded this issue to Denon.

Seth V said:
Hi Gene,

A while back, right before this new Audyssey Dynamic Volume update became available, an AVP owner from AVS posted that he was having some issues with the volume just spiking all of a sudden when he would engage Dynamic EQ.

Well none of us (so far) have experienced exactly what he's going through, so we figured that it was just due to something going screwy with his AVP. Here's a video clip he took of his AVP audio doing this.

Two days ago I experienced something similar but the way mine happened was totally different. With his AVP, various inputs so this when Dynamic EQ is set to on. On mine I experienced a loud volume spike (went from -30db to 0db in a matter of seconds) when I was listening to streamed music. I was listening to a playlist using .WAV files, all 2 channel tracks with the exception of one that was DTS 5.1 encoded (Steely Dan-Hey Nineteen).

Audyssey was on on the Net/USB input (which I didn't realize until the volume spike occurred), and all was well listening to the 2 channel tracks (in Direct mode). But once the DTS 5.1 track started to play, Audyssey kicked in and almost immediately the volume spiked!

Everything else is just fine and all sources on various inputs are just fine. But then again, all of the other inputs (except CD), are always in some surround mode, where as Net/USB is always in 2 channel Direct and Pure Direct mode. So what I experienced could be some weird thing with Audyssey not handling the change from 2 channel to multichannel very well.

If this is a bug from the recent update, maybe Denon can see about a fix for it. If you could, can you let Jeff know about this issue? For ones who have this happen and do not happen to have the remote in hand, it could possibly damage some speakers.

Just though this issue was important enough to let you know about.;)

Thanks Gene.



Audioholics Master Chief
Dynamic EQ Volume Bug Issue


According to my sources at Denon, they have heard of this as well and are investigating it.

It is suggested to anyone experiencing this issue to be sure the following settings are disabled, Night Mode (Need to turn of Dynamic Volume first), DRC (Dolby function, Need BD disc like Iron Man playing to see this in the GUI, factory setting is Auto, set to Off) and D.Comp (dts function) needs to be off as well. They will have an update shortly to do all of these automatically when Dynamic Volume is engaged.
Seth V

Seth V

Thank you very much for letting Denon know about this.:) It's great to know that they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. I will also be sure to pass this info along to our AVS AVP owners. Thanks again.



Full Audioholic
Thank you very much for letting Denon know about this.:) It's great to know that they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. I will also be sure to pass this info along to our AVS AVP owners. Thanks again.

I agree Seth


Audioholics Master Chief

I just discovered an annoying bug with the latest firmware update. I noticed that my surrounds were very loud at low listening levels and that the fader control only varied the front 3 speakers and not the surrounds. To make a long story short, the reason being was the new firmware upgrade apparantly forced all of my inputs into "Audyssey" EQ with "Dynamic EQ" engaged. After disabling Audyssey on all inputs my problem went away.

For those that don't use Audyssey, make sure you shut it off on every input after you do the latest firmware upgrade.
Seth V

Seth V


I just discovered an annoying bug with the latest firmware update. I noticed that my surrounds were very loud at low listening levels and that the fader control only varied the front 3 speakers and not the surrounds. To make a long story short, the reason being was the new firmware upgrade apparantly forced all of my inputs into "Audyssey" EQ with "Dynamic EQ" engaged. After disabling Audyssey on all inputs my problem went away.

For those that don't use Audyssey, make sure you shut it off on every input after you do the latest firmware upgrade.
Thank you Gene for sharing that, that's good to know. Here's hoping they have a fix for it soon.

Also wanted to share some new firmware info.

Thanks to captavs for the following info:

Change log for update available October 27th I think only for upgraded units:

1) If Volume of the unit is operated when the voice changes from "DIRECT mode" to "Another mode" when "DynamicEQ mode" is selected, the level might become large.

2) When the input signal is changed while displaying the Audyssey Setting screen of MENU, the key might not be able to be operated.
I wonder if this update corrected the volume ramp up issue? I will check with my DTS surround streaming with Audyssey Dynamic EQ set to on and see what it does when going from a 2 channel source. I will report back with my findings.

Seth V

Seth V

Lastest update corrected volume ramp up issue

Well I gave it a go today. I streamed some 2 channel music in Direct mode (I had Audyssey with Dynamic EQ set to on for that input) and had some DTS Surround tracks in the playlist at random. It played it all without a problem, automatically switching from 2 channel Direct to DTS with Audyssey. And not once did the volume spike.

So it looks as though the latest update (11 minute) corrected this bug. Kudos to Denon for providing these updates as quickly as they did. Also thanks to Gene for relaying these issues to Denon, and to Daniel for sharing the video of the volume ramp up issue in action.


Audioholics Master Chief

I just did a 68 min download of a firmware update which I am uncertain of what its for. I wish they would give descrptions and rev #s. Anyways, I pinged Denon to find out the details and will report back.

PS. If anyone knows where in the menu to go for adjusting LFE level, please let me know. When I goto Audio > Surround Parameters, I don't see an option despite the manual indicates that is where it is.


Audioholic Intern

I just did a 68 min download of a firmware update which I am uncertain of what its for. I wish they would give descrptions and rev #s. Anyways, I pinged Denon to find out the details and will report back.

PS. If anyone knows where in the menu to go for adjusting LFE level, please let me know. When I goto Audio > Surround Parameters, I don't see an option despite the manual indicates that is where it is.
Gene, Can you ask Denon when they will update the IR remote codes for new features. ie Audyssey Volume and any others that have been added. These are at the Denon site but have not been updated. These are the binary ones and looks like it’s been a January 08 since the last update….



Full Audioholic

I just did a 68 min download of a firmware update which I am uncertain of what its for. I wish they would give descrptions and rev #s. Anyways, I pinged Denon to find out the details and will report back.

I agree Gene, also I wish they could let us know and also provide us with a firmware version display like the PS3(2.13). It would be good to know what versions are out there so we all know if we have the latest or not.At the moment were only going by minutes as our source of what version we have and even that is confusing at times.
Seth V

Seth V


I just did a 68 min download of a firmware update which I am uncertain of what its for. I wish they would give descrptions and rev #s. Anyways, I pinged Denon to find out the details and will report back.

PS. If anyone knows where in the menu to go for adjusting LFE level, please let me know. When I goto Audio > Surround Parameters, I don't see an option despite the manual indicates that is where it is.
Yes I also wish that they would let us know what the updates do. I am very happy that they are giving us these timely updates, but it sure would be nice to have some details as to what we're downloading.

Thanks Gene for letting us know about this newest update. :)

As for the LFE level adjustment, I'm not too sure but I'll ask over at AVS and see if anyone there knows.



Junior Audioholic
PS. If anyone knows where in the menu to go for adjusting LFE level, please let me know. When I goto Audio > Surround Parameters, I don't see an option despite the manual indicates that is where it is.
If it's like other Denon models you'll need to be sending it a signal (Dolby Digital etc) when you go to adjust the Surround Parameters or the LFE adjustment doesn't appear. :)


PS. If anyone knows where in the menu to go for adjusting LFE level, please let me know. When I goto Audio > Surround Parameters, I don't see an option despite the manual indicates that is where it is.
When playing Dolby Digital, DTS, DVD-Audio and Super Audio CD:

Menu Tree -> Parameter -> Audio -> Surround Parameters -> LFE

Adjust the low-frequency effects level (LFE).

[Variable range] -10dB ~ 0dB


Hello Gene,

You are right. They have worked on the Net/USB module and fixed some of the issues.

Unfortunately, issues reported in June by Seth V in page 6 of the topic are still here :(. This is the list :
  • Receiver continues to display album art image (MP3 tag album art) with screen saver turned on and active.
  • In Net Audio Web page control the Internet radio song information doesn't update when song changes on station (note: They are successfully updated on the LED front panel).

Would you please email these issues to Denon ?

Thank you very much :)
For me theres one MAJOR issue(from the beginning of the AVP release) that always seem to be overlooked in the updates, And thats the Net Audio Web page not updating.

Maybe Denon isnt aware of the problem so therefore please inform them of this.

Best Regards.
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Seth V

Seth V

Just wanted to pass along this info that was shared by captavs from AVS. There is a new update available and here is what it does:

November 27, 2008 (approx. 10 minute update)


- When the Dolby TrueHD audio of "Batman Begins" reproduces, the noise is generated from "0h49m05s (Track 14)" in the output of "Surround channel and surround back channel"

This info has been added to the Firmware Update Revision listing on our Wiki site as well.



I have the Denon AVP-A1HDCI and DVD-2500BTCI. When playing the Blu-ray disc "Divertimenti - TrondheimSolistene" with 5.1 LPCM (192kHz/24bit) selected from the disc menu, I do NOT hear any sound. The AVP "Audio Input Signal" screen indicates:

Surround Mode

See for disc details.


Audioholics Master Chief

I sent in an email to Denon regarding posts #194, 196.

On a different note, I was wondering if any fellow AVP owners have tried to run 1080p component video thru HDMI up conversion?

I am unable to get a picture when I run my XBOX360 at 1080p via component video to HDMI on my AVP. According to Denon, the last firmware update was supposed to add this capability.


Audioholics Master Chief
I have the Denon AVP-A1HDCI and DVD-2500BTCI. When playing the Blu-ray disc "Divertimenti - TrondheimSolistene" with 5.1 LPCM (192kHz/24bit) selected from the disc menu, I do NOT hear any sound. The AVP "Audio Input Signal" screen indicates:
Gimp, DenonJeff says to verify you have the latest firmware update for your 2500 via their website.


Gimp, DenonJeff says to verify you have the latest firmware update for your 2500 via their website.
Thank you Gene. I have the latest 2500 FW (Version number is 1.104), which was released 8/1/08. My AVP FW is also current.

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