Monster Cable Driving Mini Golf Place Out of Business?



Full Audioholic
I admit... the very first HDMI cable I purchased was a monster cable, because I was completely ignorant at the time (like most people who get duped into buying their products). Since then I have of course learned the errors in my ways and purchased many cables from places like monoprice.

Up until I found this thread, I simply passed off my monster cable purchase as a regrettable mistake, but I still use the cable. I think im literally going to go home today after work, and throw the monster cable in the garbage. Id rather spend an additional $10 at monoprice or bluejeans to replace the lost cable.

I give 100% of my support to this poor company which now has to spend countless dollars and man hours defending itself against pointless corportate greed.

Shame on your M.Cable... shaaaame! :mad:


Junior Audioholic
Starting from Scratch

OK, the listing was removed for what ebay described loosely as a violation of it's "No Item" policy, without much explaination, except to tell us to "Correct the problem and relist". So, we took that to mean that a "slice of justice" was not a tangible item, so now the item clearly states that you are purchasing a "Coupon for Mini Golf", and that we are selling them to raise money for our defense, blablabla.

We'll see what happens. They are very powerful enemies, and I have no doubt they will make it MUCH more difficult as we press on, yet we are pressing on.

Tough one, as it had well over 20,000 page views and was well on it's way to going viral, but we will start from scratch and do it again. Here is the new listing link which we will start from scratch forwarding all over the free world, to try to regain some of the lost momentum and get back on track. As always, your help is greatly appreciated in keeping this thing going. Please feel free to spread the new listing link through your regular channels, as will we.

-Patrick Vitagliano


Fighting Mad Myself...

I have watched this crap with Monster happening for years and I'm tired of patent trolls out there. This time, I'm helping out. In addition to sending $100 to Monster Mini-Golf for legal fees, I have put up a website--

Since I don't have 5 posts yet, and I wanted to share this with you all in hopes to make it popular enough that someone at Monster will see it--- I'll have to obfuscate the domain a little bit.

I hope that you'll all visit it. It's at least good for a laugh or two.

If the admins here like it, maybe they'll point at it some how to drive traffic to it as I develop it a bit more.

Also... the tone is a little... abusive? I don't like it when corporations with huge amounts of cash and lawyers push around the 'little guy', so I stood to make I mark by pointing out the obvious-- but using a 'pen is mightier' approach.


Added the link for you Spuds.;) -Matt
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Audioholic Warlord
OK, the listing was removed for what ebay described loosely as a violation of it's "No Item" policy, without much explaination, except to tell us to "Correct the problem and relist". So, we took that to mean that a "slice of justice" was not a tangible item, so now the item clearly states that you are purchasing a "Coupon for Mini Golf", and that we are selling them to raise money for our defense, blablabla.
We'll see what happens. They are very powerful enemies, and I have no doubt they will make it MUCH more difficult as we press on, yet we are pressing on.
Tough one, as it had well over 20,000 page views and was well on it's way to going viral, but we will start from scratch and do it again. Here is the new listing link which we will start from scratch forwarding all over the free world, to try to regain some of the lost momentum and get back on track. As always, your help is greatly appreciated in keeping this thing going. Please feel free to spread the new listing link through your regular channels, as will we.

-Patrick Vitagliano
Updated links in Facebook Group This group is gaining some momentum now... 67 members and people from most of the world joining in now....


Junior Audioholic
We press on!

We remain undeterred! I think what made the biggest impact was all of the letters MC received, even moreso than how scary 20,000 page views must have been for them.
I think we continue to push the "Please write a letter to Noel Lee and David Tognotti from MC, and copy Robert Payne on all correspondences" angle, to make them personally aware of the negative impact that their tactics are having on their customer base.
Also, we have started consolidating the myriad of web forums, onto a single site where the activist can one-stop-shop for the forum that best suits their needs. This site has also (and my again) serve as a fallback should this auction get cancelled again. The link to that site is as follows, so please include it as an addendum to any avenues that you might be "Spreading the good word" in.

-Patrick Vitagliano


Patrick & Christina -- Something I should mention...

As the online campaign gets rolling, there will be some that will be tempted to create a form letter that can be used to send their disapproval to Monster Cable. You may want to instruct people not to do that. It sounds like they are already using their mail server to filter constructive criticism. ;)

I don't know much about mini golf, but I do know about servers-- it's likely that any form letter out there will be used to create a new filter... and if their server admin is worth the money he's paid, he'll learn to start DROPPING e-mails instead of bouncing them-- because now we know what they are doing on their end to stem the tide.

Keep it up. I'm behind you. :)



Junior Audioholic
email filter

Yes, we did get a flood of emails today from supporters who said their emails were kicked back. At first we thought the site was down, then we got a letter from a savier supporter who said he changed his title to "Warranty issues" and it went right through, confirming what you just said.
As for templates, we are making a real point to maintain integrity. We encourage that if a supporter "Feels strongly" about these issues, that they should write to MC and let them know "How they feel", and "How it affects their decisions to purchase MC products or not". Always encouraging the writer to send a "Professional, respectful and truthful letter".
We don't want to encourage anyone to be mean or disrespectful, and would NEVER suggest and offensive act, simply encouraging people to follow their heart. Which fortunately, MC makes it really easy to do.
It's funny, we were talking today about the literally HUNDREDS of supportive emails we got today, without one single negative. That's rare, as the law of averages says you can't please everybody, but MC seems to have really built up some animosity.
On the other hand, although we are probably aware of only a fraction of the angry letters that MC received today, if I had to guess, an equal but opposite reaction probably happened in their camp. The law of averages would have to say that they HAVE to have SOME supporters, but I do wonder if they got even a single letter wishing them luck "Crushing those family/childrens entertainment bastards!".
-Patrick Vitagliano



My site isn't exactly respectful. It's quite angry in tone. I have always been the type to start respectfully and work my way from there, but it appears that after over 400 litigations, there's little hope that MY nice is going to get anywhere with them. My site is good for a laugh if you enjoy from-the-hip stuff like that... it's probably not going to make any fans at Monster.

I'm *ALL* for having a safe, fun, family place to gather. It's difficult for me to envision at all how having your mini-golf franchise is diluting their brand in any way. Like I say on my site-- I can imagine them coming after you if you were "Monster Cable and Telephone" or something like that. It WOULD be confusing then.... but I just don't see myself going to your place to pick up some cables to hook up my blu-ray player.... and I CERTAINLY can't imagine seeing Monster Cables at your place at this point in the game. ;)

Got the Slice of Justice from your wife tonight, and it was good. ;) I hope the $100 helps... and hope you get many more!


Junior Audioholic

We just visited your website, and WOW, you've been busy! Very impressive.
We'll add a link to it on our site as well, as if we keep bridging all of our forums together, it will make it easier for newbies joining the fight to have more information at their fingertips.
Also, here's one for the "Score!" category.....
Channel 10 in RI called today to schedule an interview with Christina about this lawsuit, in response to the huge groundswell this thing has gotten this week. RI is a small state, so that's the primetime evening news station for the entire state. (Even though we're a small state, she'll still be seen by potentially 1 million people) This will be a HUGE opportunity to impact a HUGE amount of people at once, and educate the masses about MC's bully tactics.
And the train rolls on. Merry Christmas MC!
-Patrick Vitagliano


monster mini golf I am glad to hear of your tv spot. That is great news. I am with you 100% and will be doing my part to spread the word in the live music industry.


Audioholic Jedi
Urgent. Monster Mini Golf needs our financial support now!

Take a look at this link guys and please do what you can to help.

I have sent the following letter to Monster Cable and the Monster lawyers.

To all concerned.
I only bought one Monster cable, and it was monstrous. The grounding RCA lugs broke off right away.

It has come to my attention, that instead of making good value for money cable, you make high priced junk.

Further you extort money from hard working business people. You are now in litigation with with Monster Mini Golf. You have extorted money from over 400 businesses in no way able to be confused with Monster Cable.

You took on Kurt of Blue Jeans Cable, who produces far higher quality cable than Monster Cable, at a fair price. He provided the high quality cables for my studio. He seems to be able to stand up for himself, against you thugs.

I have supported Monster Mini Golf with a donation. I intend to now extend considerable effort to defeat you. I live in Minnesota and will do my very best to persuade Best Buy to drop your line.

You will not win. Like Hitler you will be defeated, and the sooner the better.

If I I had a chance and would rap one of your lousy cables round the necks of each of you, starting with Mr Lee, tie a knot and pull hard.
Yours Faithfully, Mark Carter MD.


Go Doc you are the man......:) I will write a letter now as well. You have inspired me...


Seriously, I have no life.
Take a look at this link guys and please do what you can to help.

I have sent the following letter to Monster Cable and the Monster lawyers.

To all concerned.
I only bought one Monster cable, and it was monstrous. The grounding RCA lugs broke off right away.

It has come to my attention, that instead of making good value for money cable, you make high priced junk.

Further you extort money from hard working business people. You are now in litigation with with Monster Mini Golf. You have extorted money from over 400 businesses in no way able to be confused with Monster Cable.

You took on Kurt of Blue Jeans Cable, who produces far higher quality cable than Monster Cable, at a fair price. He provided the high quality cables for my studio. He seems to be able to stand up for himself, against you thugs.

I have supported Monster Mini Golf with a donation. I intend to now extend considerable effort to defeat you. I live in Minnesota and will do my very best to persuade Best Buy to drop your line.

You will not win. Like Hitler you will be defeated, and the sooner the better.

If I I had a chance and would rap one of your lousy cables round the necks of each of you, starting with Mr Lee, tie a knot and pull hard.
Yours Faithfully, Mark Carter MD.
You realize they'll probably take that last line as a threat, right?

The dealer that had been their largest volume single store operation dropped MC in favor of Audio Quest in '03 or '04.


Seriously, I have no life.
We just visited your website, and WOW, you've been busy! Very impressive.
We'll add a link to it on our site as well, as if we keep bridging all of our forums together, it will make it easier for newbies joining the fight to have more information at their fingertips.
Also, here's one for the "Score!" category.....
Channel 10 in RI called today to schedule an interview with Christina about this lawsuit, in response to the huge groundswell this thing has gotten this week. RI is a small state, so that's the primetime evening news station for the entire state. (Even though we're a small state, she'll still be seen by potentially 1 million people) This will be a HUGE opportunity to impact a HUGE amount of people at once, and educate the masses about MC's bully tactics.
And the train rolls on. Merry Christmas MC!
-Patrick Vitagliano
Contact Connecticut Public Radio about this, if they haven't already found out. You may even be able to get them to put a link on their website.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
Take a look at this link guys and please do what you can to help.

I have sent the following letter to Monster Cable and the Monster lawyers.

To all concerned.
I only bought one Monster cable, and it was monstrous. The grounding RCA lugs broke off right away.

It has come to my attention, that instead of making good value for money cable, you make high priced junk.

Further you extort money from hard working business people. You are now in litigation with with Monster Mini Golf. You have extorted money from over 400 businesses in no way able to be confused with Monster Cable.

You took on Kurt of Blue Jeans Cable, who produces far higher quality cable than Monster Cable, at a fair price. He provided the high quality cables for my studio. He seems to be able to stand up for himself, against you thugs.

I have supported Monster Mini Golf with a donation. I intend to now extend considerable effort to defeat you. I live in Minnesota and will do my very best to persuade Best Buy to drop your line.

You will not win. Like Hitler you will be defeated, and the sooner the better.

If I I had a chance and would rap one of your lousy cables round the necks of each of you, starting with Mr Lee, tie a knot and pull hard.
Yours Faithfully, Mark Carter MD.

While I agree fully with your sentiment, this is the wrong way to effectively let big M know how you as a consumer feel. Please don't be offended, as none is intended toward you. My intent is only to help others who may feel inspired by this letter to understand that in order for a letter campaign to be effective it must be written in a way that keeps it out of the trash.

To have any impact at all it is important to maintain a professional tone throughout while being sincere about your issues with the company. Your letter opens with a great line about why you are unhappy with the quality of the product then covers your issues with their business practices. It loses ground with the fascist references and personal attacks.

For those looking to correspond with big M, short and concise will be more effective. Something heartfelt along the lines of, "I find it absurd your company would hassle, intimidate, and sue family owned businesses, like a monster themed minigolf, that have absolutely nothing do with your industry, are not competitors, and have no similarity whatsoever with your company other than the word "Monster" in their name. I can not in good conscience continue to buy from a company that engages in such frivolous activities." Sign it along the lines of "Yours Truly" or "Sincerely", even something like "Disgusted in Chicago", then use your real name. Avoid any insults, slander, product bashing, profanity, etc.

Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
Where is the page with the web sites to stay away from? Wonder if one exists could they be sued for disparagement?
Oh God! You're talking about 3/4 of the Internet at least.


Audioholic General
MonsterMiniGolf, I used to work as a file clerk for a lawfirm many years ago and have to say , please tread carefully with what you type on this thread and any others. I guarantee Monster is quite aware of this thread and has their croonies , copying every post on here. To me it appears that by agreeing with what others are writing and Spuds website, that it can be classified as a form of harrassment, and used against you in any pending litigation. I hope there is a lawyer on this site to correct me if I am wrong. I jsut don't want to see anything that will dissuade you from your final objective and think what you are doing is a great thing. Just keep an eye out on what you post on an open forum, and I hope you beat them. Also get in touch with Kurt at his cable company for pointers and advice, he was a lawyer first and foremost, and beat Monster at their own game (and he owns a cable company).

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