Headphones are cheap, fun, and easy. There is no acoustics to worry about. However, if you are getting open air headphones, you will want a quiet environment. Im talking pretty much silent to be truley enjoyable. You could get IEM's for wicked isolation and portability, or a nice set of sealed phones for home. Its all based on prefrence and convinence. Brands to look at are Grado, Sennheiser, AKG, Audio-technica, Etymotic, ultimate ears, westone, Denon, Beyer, sony, and ultrasone. All of them are high fidelity and sound good, but each has its own flavor. Some sound colored, some dont. Some are comfortable, some arent. Your desicion is based off what you want in a heaphone. Do you want soundstage or in your face sound? Do you want Flat or boomy? Rich or dry or warm? treble dominant? Do your research and decide based off of reviews that talk about the sound signature in depth.