I'm in the camp that says that a person looking for HTIB can do better buying individual pieces and putting together a system.
But I know that some poeple just LIKE the idea of a HTIB. A good friend of mine is an example. He'd heard my 5.1 set-up, which at the time was mediocre. (It's far improved now.) He liked it, but due to scheduling problems and my friend's second child being born this year, we haven't had a chance to have a new movie night.
For a year I tried to suggest to his wife that she get her husband some good, but inexpensive speakers to start a good system. I recommended av123's x-ls speakers in cherry, because his wife loves cherry wood and liked the pics of the speakers that I sent her. Then she could get more for him for birthdays and other holidays--a decent center, a sub, surrounds, and a new AVR.
That didn't work, because my friend decided that he wanted everything at once. He wanted to sacrifice quality for having-it-now. So he got a HTIB.
At least he asked my advice on what to buy, and took it. I recommended a decent Onkyo system for him.
It's funny, though--in other areas he loves getting new and good toys. In audio/HT it's different. Oh well, as long as his wife and he are happy...