Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
Must have been in the 60s this morning when I walked the dog. Brrrr. Stupid winter. :D


Audioholic Jedi
El Tour De Tucson is today. It's a big, annual bike race. I want to hit the flooring store to finalize my purchase, Home Depot to get paint, and Best Buy to check out TVs...but I need to wait until after 2pm because that entire shopping route follows the bike path and they mostly shut down traffic in my area from 10am-2pm.


Audioholic Spartan
It was a stupid 15 degrees this morning! I hate winter...On a NON- boring note, {well for me anyway, kind of a aviation nerd}, 2 Chinooks just flew really, really low over the house. Been seeing them around lately.
Then there's two of us.... it started snowing on Thursday and I just hate this bl.... thing from the bottom of my heart....

I lived in Adelaide, Australia for a while, now that sounds very appealing again :cool:
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

El Tour De Tucson is today. It's a big, annual bike race. I want to hit the flooring store to finalize my purchase, Home Depot to get paint, and Best Buy to check out TVs...but I need to wait until after 2pm because that entire shopping route follows the bike path and they mostly shut down traffic in my area from 10am-2pm.
Adam, go spend $2000.00 on a bicycle instead of a TV and ride the Race!


Audioholic Spartan
There's also an open spot on my couch. Who wants to bet on which one I'm going to choose? :)
Along the general attitude of this thread

Coach sounds much more interesting an promising than riding a bike for 9 hours until you're almost dead and you get nothing else than criticism and no thanks....

Absolutely Adam, couch it is :cool::D


Audioholic Jedi
I want to hit the flooring store to finalize my purchase, Home Depot to get paint, and Best Buy to check out TVs...
Well, I went to the flooring store, but the salesman hadn't verified stock on the tile or carpet on Friday like he said he would. Therefore, he couldn't say if it would be installed by the time I want it done, so I didn't finalize the sale. He's going to check on Monday morning.

I did get paint from Home Depot. Swiss Coffee, in both Flat Enamel and Eggshell Enamel. I'm going to check which one I want to put up. Eggshell might be too reflective for the main living area.

As for Best Buy, I put that up in another thread. I didn't mention that I asked if they'd price match OneCall. They'll match "local" sales, but the manager (who was just mentioned but wasn't there) might consider lowering a price if I brought in a print out from OneCall. I don't know if it's worth driving the two miles back there.


Audioholic Jedi
I just put up a test patch of flat enamel and am in the process of putting of a test patch of eggshell enamel. That way, they can be dry and ready to inspect when I get up tomorrow.


Audioholic Jedi
I'm just waiting for da Choge to put up post number one after joining a year and a half ago. It's always great to see someone join in!

EDIT: Oops. Looks like I jumped the gun.
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Audioholic Samurai
Solid point. My apologies. :eek:

Compared to Sensi, however, all of my days are boring anymore. :D
I'm working on being boring, I just made a thread for people to post their AIM, ICQ, etc. handles.:D
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