Seeing as how my previous post in this thread failed to impress the OP, I will present a short list of my pet peeves, which is in no way all-inclusive.
1.) Pretentiousness on Internet forums.

2.) As others have stated, improper use of the English language in any walk of life, whether online or in-person. Not every one is 4.0 in their usage, granted, and I can live with simple, common mistakes in spelling or punctuation. We're not all English professors here. However, I am truly tired of seeing such an abortion of our language in so many areas of life - if the OP had been slightly more intuitive he might have realized that my previous post was meant to implicate those very people that I find the most guilty of this, and that I wasn't merely being silly (although I was being that too

). I have seen worse on the internet than what I typed, and think it to be truly indicative of an overwhelming downturn in our society with regards to common sense, perception, pride and the ability to project one's self as another human being worthy of your intelligent conversation

I think most of us are in agreement on this.
3.) Thug life in modern America and the "fashion statement" it has become.
4.) The use of the phrase, "It's all good..." for some reason that just grates on me.

5.) All the godd&*m "If you don't forward this email to at least 10 of your friends" emails, and those friends of mine who still don't realize you can indeed simply hit the "delete" button, and nothing disastrous is going to happen.

6.) Getting sick on account of weather changes (I'm feeling like crap today, so this is on my mind..

7.) Excessive text messaging
8.) Hollywood celebrity updates (Really I DON'T care!)
9.) Bad drivers... duh. What I find funny is how everyone thinks that everyone else is a horrible driver - so who is actually the good driver?

I've made my bone-headed mistakes while driving as everyone has, but there are some people who are truly a menace behind the wheel - their licenses should be revoked and burned.
10.) Voice automated systems!!

It's about all you get anymore when you try and call a particular business or company that you have dealings with, and it literally drives me up the wall!!
Just to name a few... good thread, by the way.

I feel better now.