irregardless of what you say ...
"irregardless" of what you say ...
Irregardless is not a word!
"I agree, but ....."
Also, used to be my pet peeve the difference between datum and data
data are plural; datum is singular. pepoel always incorrectly say "data is"
Another is the incorrect use of future superlative ( probably the only thing I remember from English)
The correct phraseology is "If I were ..." "If i was..." is not correct.
And the worst people who use lane change blinkers incorrectly :
A (1) signal 3 miles ahead or (2) forget to turn them off and actually make changes opposite to the direction they are signallliny
B - Those who don't use at all!
Oh did you mean Audioholic wise. Well not to p*ss anyone off so I won't name any names, but I was PMed from someone who misunderstood the relationship between power and current and the difference between 4 and 8 ohms and was telling me they knew the formulaes but they didn't apply
There was even a good thread on this forum to explain
Peace to all those who differ with my humble opinions.
*** Yes, everyone have a great Thanksgiving ***