Here is my setup:
Front L/R: NHT SuperTwo (near full range towers)
Center : NHT SuperOne (large bookshelf)
Rear L/R: NHT SuperZero (small bookshelf)
Sub 1: Pinnacle Digital Sub 600 (2x12" sealed isobarik, 350W)
Sub 2: Adire Audio Rava (12" sealed, 250W)
Onkyo 605 Receiver (one sub out)
Here are my options which would be best (audioholics recommend splitting the sub out mono siginal, but Widescreen review magazine recommends not splitting the sub signal)?
Option 1: Split the sub out signal from the receiver and point one signal to Sub 1 and the other to Sub 2. Place sub 2 in a corner and sub 1 beside sub 2. Set all speakers to SMALL.
Option 2: Take sub out signal straight into sub 2 in a corner. Run center channel speaker wire from the receiver to Sub 1, cross it over and run to center channel. Place sub 1 between the left and center speaker. This way I can set all my front speakers to LARGE.
Option 3: Split the sub out signal from the receiver and point one signal to Sub 1 and the other to Sub 2. Place sub 2 in a corner and sub 1 somewhere in between the front speakers? Set all speakers to SMALL
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!