Help!!!! I Need Help!!!



Hope that grabbed your attention? :p

I have no clue about all this kind of stuff. My husband and I just moved and so our "tube" TV will no longer have a place in our home. :( I will miss the simplicity of a tube TV that just hooks up and goes. No frills, no worries and no stinking issues.

Oh well.

So, my problem? We are purchasing an LCD HDTV from Best Buy, had the Geek guy out and he wants to sell me an HDMI cable that it over $200. Now, I know that I will need an exceptionally long cable as I do plan on purchasing the Harmony wireless remote control thingy (yes, that is a new acceptable technological term!:D). I don't want wires hanging around my fireplace where this TV must go. Another bad thing.

So, can you folks who know a heck of a lot more help me out? Do I need to buy their cable, can I find one cheaper? I need approx. 25-35 feet. What do I do to hook up my DVD, VCR? ACK!!! I feel like I've entered into the realm of the unknown!

I had a hard time just learning to check my e-mail!:rolleyes:

Anway, any help you can give me would be appreciated. I know our cable company is giving us 10ft with our HD box. woopie. I told him to add another 20 and we'd be in good shape. Can you do that? I am thinking that if I tried to connect the lengths together, I would run a huge issue with quality and possible detachments. Not that they would be hard to get to, they wouldn't but still, who wants to be bothered?

We will not be gaming on this TV and we will not be hooking up surround sound or anything like that. We just want to be able to watch a ball game, and a movie or two.

Thanks in advance, sorry so lengthy.

adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Hello Betty and welcome to the forum.

There is no need to spend 200 bucks for that HDMI cable. There is a site called that will offer great prices on HDMI cables that meet all certifications you will need (CL for in wall and HDMI 1.3a for 1080p transmission)

Here is a link to a 25ft model for only 52 dollars:

Do you have a receiver that all of your sources (vcr, sat box, dvd) will plug into?


Don't buy cables at Best Buy, try Monoprice

Hope that grabbed your attention? :p

I have no clue about all this kind of stuff. My husband and I just moved and so our "tube" TV will no longer have a place in our home. :( I will miss the simplicity of a tube TV that just hooks up and goes. No frills, no worries and no stinking issues.

Oh well.

So, my problem? We are purchasing an LCD HDTV from Best Buy, had the Geek guy out and he wants to sell me an HDMI cable that it over $200. Now, I know that I will need an exceptionally long cable as I do plan on purchasing the Harmony wireless remote control thingy (yes, that is a new acceptable technological term!:D). I don't want wires hanging around my fireplace where this TV must go. Another bad thing.

So, can you folks who know a heck of a lot more help me out? Do I need to buy their cable, can I find one cheaper? I need approx. 25-35 feet. What do I do to hook up my DVD, VCR? ACK!!! I feel like I've entered into the realm of the unknown!

I had a hard time just learning to check my e-mail!:rolleyes:

Anway, any help you can give me would be appreciated. I know our cable company is giving us 10ft with our HD box. woopie. I told him to add another 20 and we'd be in good shape. Can you do that? I am thinking that if I tried to connect the lengths together, I would run a huge issue with quality and possible detachments. Not that they would be hard to get to, they wouldn't but still, who wants to be bothered?

We will not be gaming on this TV and we will not be hooking up surround sound or anything like that. We just want to be able to watch a ball game, and a movie or two.

Thanks in advance, sorry so lengthy.

Welcome to the forum and we can help!;)

Here is a great place to buy very good, yet inexpensive cables, monoprice

Example 30 foot HDMI cable :$24.97

They are fast efficient and shipping is very reasonable.


Another good cable place is bluejeanscables

Good Luck,



I thought I didn't need to spend that much.:cool: Thank you for responding. Perhaps you can help me out more? How do I know what HDMI cable to get? I went to bluejeanscable to check out there cables and you are right, I can get a lot more for a lot less. They do have different end ports though, how do I know which one to get?

Ok, I was just sitting here wondering how the other things connect to my TV. Will I need longer cables for them too? They should be really cheap as they are just standard equip. No HD with them. Just ol fashioned VCR and DvD cost me $35 at Walmart several years ago.

So, what should I do? What exactly do I need? These cable and Best Buy guys are trying to get me to buy the store and finance their next vaca. NOT!

So, in the end, I will have a VCR, DVD, HD Cable Box from Charter, and the Harmony thingy I mentioned. What is a receiver?



model names/numbers


Get the exact model numbers of all of your devices and we can give you a perfect answer



P.S.- Monoprice and blujeans are the way to go!


Will do. I'll be back shortly with all that info. I need to go and get them all out and since we haven't bought our TV yet, I will look up online the model of the one we are thinking of purchasing.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! :D They should have a smooch smilie on here!!!




Ok, here's the list!

*Charter Communications HD box (don't have it yet, should be here today)
*DVD is a Phillips model # DVD622/37
*VCR is a Toshiba Model #W-22
*Logitech Harmony 890 Advanced Universal Remote
*Sony LCD HDTV #KDL-46V4100 (this may change, will let you know if it does but so far this is the one we have chosen. We definately want 46", do you have a better recommendation? I like the speakers being on the front and not behind, for our room which has high ceilings, this would be much better for sound).

Thanks again! You guys rock!:cool:
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
So you are using the speakers in the TV and will not be adding surround sound?

(just want to know this before we connection recomendations)


Nope. No surround sound. Too advanced and this whole thing is getting waayyyy too expensive as it is. Simple is better. Like I said, we aren't TV addicts (no offense meant, we just don't watch as much as probably most folks do). Surround sound might be hard given that our area is pretty much open to the rest of the house. We will only add speakers later if absolutely necessary to hear. Otherwise, no, no extra audio.

TY again!
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord

With that list of equipment you are going to have to run cables from each component to the TV.

So for each component here are the connection types:

1) Charter Communications HD box - HDMI - Link

2) DVD is a Phillips model # DVD622/37 - Component Video and analog audio - Link

3) VCR is a Toshiba Model #W-22 - Composite Video and anlalog audio - Link

Each cable will run from the source to the display. The links are for 25ft cables but all are available longer.

The only one of these that is CL rated is the HDMI cable. CL ratings are for in-wall use so if these will go between walls we may need to look for different component and composite cables.

Hope this helps.
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Yes, these will go in the wall. Actually, down behind my fireplace (gas log, won't get used too much in sunny, warm SC and it get vented straight out not up where the wires will be going into). Once dropped down behind the fireplace, they will then go under the house (crawl space) then up into a wall for about 1-2ft then out into the devices.

How does being behind the wall make a difference in the functioning of these components or wires? I think that Geek Squad was going to use the same coaxial wires that you recommended.

Thanks again!


Another thought.

Would it be best to buy a DVD/VCR combo unit to cut down on the coaxial cable needed? I'm thinking that maybe it would only need one coaxial cable instead of two. It is hard to find a cover plate for a HDMI with 2 coaxial set ups. There is the HDMI and 1 set of coaxial cover plate or one with 5 (probably for surround sound, thank goodness I'm not adding that!:eek:).

I can't just add another plate either, this isn't wallboard, it's stone. Does my theory work? B


Audioholic Spartan
I'd like to suggest that it will be much simpler and cost effective if you actually buy a home theater receiver. Even if you have no intention of ever running surround sound, the receiver still performs many useful functions. First, if you connect all your devices to the receiver, you only need to run one HDMI cable from your devices to the TV. That means only one wire being run behind the wall greatly reducing the cost and simplicity of the installation. The HDMI cable will carry audio and video to the TV from all sources.

Second, the installation becomes much simpler and visually more attractive. All the cables from your devices can be routed to the receiver and hidden behind the components, out of sight. Plus, these cables are short and less expensive than a number of long cables run behind the walls to the TV.

Third, switching sources is simple. The Harmony remote is activity based and will activate, switch and control all your devices. The receiver simply acts as a central hub to select sources and convert all signals to HDMI for the one wire TV connection.

Fourth, should you choose to add speakers, whether in-wall, on-wall, in-ceiling or stand alone, the components are already in place and you will only need to run a wire to each speaker.

Fifth, a receiver with this capability can be had for a few hundred dollars. You could easily spend this much buying all the various cables and then paying somebody to run them behind the walls. The original plan may be cheaper if you do the installation yourself, but even in that case, I suggest that the receiver solution is simpler, cleaner, functional and can be quite visually appealing in a nice room.


What Davemcc said is just about all you need to know about your circumstance. It is definately the way to go, especially if you hang around here. You might decide to run surround sound one of these days, and doing what has been recommended will make it much easier when the time comes.

Either way, good luck!!!


Thank you! You are right, a receiver might just be the easiest way to go. Do you have one you recommend? I don't know anything about them. I will do a general search but you all know your stuff.

Anyway, thanks for all your input and info on this topic for me. I really do appreciate it. I think I am going to be a professional by the time this is all said and done!:p Who knows, maybe I'll go work for the Geek Squad after!

Thanks again and when we figure it all out, I'll let you know how it all worked. Definately going to try to do as much of the labor as we can ourselves. All except mounting the TV to the stone fireplace, that will be a job for the Geeks. Perhaps I could find a good handyman to do it for less? I don't know any contractors here or anyone actually, we are so very new to this part of the country. I'll ask our realtor.

Ok, so that was way more than you wanted or cared to know!:D

Have a great weekend!
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
I had a thought on this that may be an easier solution.

Why not get an Oppo HDMI switcher and upgrade your dvd player to hdmi. This way you only have the one HDMI cable to the TV and it is a lesser expensive alternative to a receiver.

The HDMI switch has a remote control. LINK

There are DVD/VRC combos that use HDMI. I bought one for my office but we are still doing the wiring so I cannot comment on the quality yet. I am also not sure it it will send the VCR signal over HDMI.LINK


Audioholic Spartan
I just thought of a huge issue with the receiver idea that I should have thought of before. A receiver will take your DVD and VCR video signals and convert them to HDMI, but I do not believe that any receiver will take those analog or optical audio signals and encode them into the HDMI output to the TV. Simply put, this idea will not work for your specific application looking for a one wire audio and video hookup to the display.

The other thing I found is that the receivers with the necessary conversion capability have list prices somewhat higher than the $300 figure I was initially thinking. I've found that the Yamaha RX-V663 and Onkyo TX-SR606 are the lowest model lines that can do analog to HDMI video conversion. But I think with a little patience and the eagle eye shoppers on this site, you could get pretty close to that price or even hit that price using last year's models in the same range.

If you were to consider using some small external speakers beside the TV, this idea would still work. But I can't think of a way around the non-HDMI audio getting to the TV via HDMI.

On balance, the first suggestion needs to run to the TV:
Cable box - HDMI x 1
VCR - composite video x 1, RCA (stereo) audio x1
DVD - component video x 1, RCA (stereo) x1.

Receiver alternative cables to TV:
HDMI x 1
Speaker wire x 2
Plus need to buy receiver and two additional speakers.

It's a tough call either way. Using a receiver/speakers will cost more, but you will gain in sound quality, especially in audibility of dialog, over the TV's internal speakers. Sorry to be rambling on like this, but I'm just running your situation over and over in my head trying to think of the simplest, cheapest, best solution. Sometimes, that takes a little time (sometimes it takes a lot of time).:D

Edit - adk highlander has made some excellent suggestions above.


I had a thought on this that may be an easier solution.

Why not get an Oppo HDMI switcher and upgrade your dvd player to hdmi. This way you only have the one HDMI cable to the TV and it is a lesser expensive alternative to a receiver.

The HDMI switch has a remote control. LINK

There are DVD/VRC combos that use HDMI. I bought one for my office but we are still doing the wiring so I cannot comment on the quality yet. I am also not sure it it will send the VCR signal over HDMI.LINK
Good thinking. A cheaper alternative to the Oppo switcher is this one from Monoprice:

This one is also in the Harmony database so her Harmony will be able to control it.

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