He in lies the problem. The people should be united, picking the best candidate regardless of party affiliation. They should not care what side one but that the best candidate, regardless of party, is running the country or ANY office for that matter. The people should want what is best for the country and its citizens. The two party system has effectively divided the country, while behind closed doors they work together for their own agenda (their meaning the political elite).
Did the mainstream sheeple ever hear of anyone else (who was running for president) besides those of the two party conglomerate, probably not. Debates are far from fair as they do not include any other candidates to give them a chance on a national stage, most questions are screened, and are not forced to give an answer relevant to the question. There is simply too much money at play in election campaigns. The media is essentially bought & paid for by the two party monster (that claims to have different viewpoints).
Ever heard of divide & conquer? We are seeing it in action.