billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Canada eh....

than I would urge you to look towards Western Canada and IMO look no farther than Alberta.:D


Audioholic Spartan
Moving to Canada to escape the liberal-socialist agenda.:confused::confused::confused:

Those guys oughta stay put cause Canada's coming to them.;)

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
I seriously considered moving to Canada when Bush was reelected, because it seemed that America had gone completely insane. Now we are back on the right track. Glad the American people have finally come to their senses and made the right choice!:)


Audioholic Slumlord
Well I am here to say that I stand corrected. I didn't think he was electable. There is the possibility that they fixed it so he would win. I mean who in there right mind wants this mess? Anyways, I was wrong, I admit it. The bright side is that my side won. I'm stunned.


Audioholic Ninja
Congratulations to the first African American President Elect Barack Obama!


Full Audioholic
now let the unity begin.....

According to the majority of forums asking for opinions of the election outcome, I am now a racist, ignorant redneck because I didn't vote for him. :rolleyes:

Sorry, rant over.


The bright side is that my side won. I'm stunned.

He in lies the problem. The people should be united, picking the best candidate regardless of party affiliation. They should not care what side won but that the best candidate, regardless of party, is running the country or ANY office for that matter. The people should want what is best for the country and its citizens. The two party system has effectively divided the country, while behind closed doors they work together for their own agenda (their meaning the political elite).

Did the mainstream sheeple ever hear of anyone else (who was running for president) besides those of the two party conglomerate, probably not. Debates are far from fair as they do not include any other candidates to give them a chance on a national stage, most questions are screened, and are not forced to give an answer relevant to the question. There is simply too much money at play in election campaigns. The media is essentially bought & paid for by the two party monster (that claims to have different viewpoints).

Ever heard of divide & conquer? We are seeing it in action.
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Audioholic Samurai
than I would urge you to look towards Western Canada and IMO look no farther than Alberta.:D
I would urge you to relax my friend... :) Just something funny I came across as I turned on my computer at work this morning and thought I would share. Why can't you liberals ever take a simple joke? :D


Audioholic Ninja
Why does it matter what color he is?
Is it a big coincidence that there has never been a black president up until yesterday. The point is black people have never been given a fair shake in the political world especially in the United States. How many black people are in the Senate?


Audioholic Samurai
I posted these thoughts on Darien's thread, but I'll repeat them here. I don't believe in electing any individual either based on race or gender or not electing them based on either. The political race should not have anything to do with race, but what is remarkable, that even though I don't agree that Obama was the right choice for President in this election - in a country so long divided by racism and unequality, by this election we have crossed a milestone in bridging that gap. I don't see it have a significant effect on the current states of racism in this country, even now - you're likely to see some backwoods wackos hollering about this and how the "black man" is taking over, but they can easily be ignored by those who actually have a brain. I think it's a good step in the right direction, but I am personally divided over the concept that we are able to elect an African American as President vs. he's not who I wanted to see in office, color aside! If that makes any sense... :eek:
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
I would urge you to relax my friend... :) Just something funny I came across as I turned on my computer at work this morning and thought I would share. Why can't you liberals ever take a simple joke? :D
I did find it kind of funny Halon, hence the big grin.;) Its that our country is more conservative in the western provinces and Alberta is as conservative as it gets.


Audioholic Samurai
I did find it kind of funny Halon, hence the big grin.;) Its that our country is more conservative in the western provinces and Alberta is as conservative as it gets.
Right on. :) Sorry then, I missed the tone of your post, no big deal. How's the weather up there? :D
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Right on. :) Sorry then, I missed the tone of your post, no big deal. How's the weather up there? :D
Actually the last few days have being really nice, but I'd still rather live in FLA.:)
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

Is it a big coincidence that there has never been a black president up until yesterday. The point is black people have never been given a fair shake in the political world especially in the United States. How many black people are in the Senate?
Neither have many ethnicities, for example, the American Indian. I'm 1/8th. Cherokee, and while slavery was wrong, Indians didn't get much of a fair shake either after White's showed up on these shores.

MinusTheBear, I have nothing against you, and don't want to get into a flame fest and have this thread locked down.



Mort Corey

Senior Audioholic
Neither have many ethnicities, for example, the American Indian.
Ah....come to beautiful Kaleefornia and open a casino. Then it doesn't matter if you want to get elected or not since you can then purcha$e all the politicians you can handle. ;)

Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

Ah....come to beautiful Kaleefornia and open a casino. Then it doesn't matter if you want to get elected or not since you can then purcha$e all the politicians you can handle. ;)

I love it when I see Native American owned and operated casinos.

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