Sigh....I just contacted the seller to cancel the sale.
I could not do reviews when I was in the process of purchasing it. But the salesperson assured me it was "more or less" the same as the mk2 and mk3 with only the cosmetic difference. Cosmetic means little to me so I jumped on it. Now doing research...which is surprisingly hard to do for the VTF-2.1, it turns out it is pretty different: 150watt power supply (could not find out if it was BASH or not), 10" woofer, extension to 25hz....
It also seems the first model was plagued with electronic issues (blown amps, auto power not triggering) Since, I am sure, this box is already 6-7 years old.. I am just not willing to take the risk. I would rather pay the few hundred more for piece of mind.
Back to looking out for a SVS or HSU mk2 or Mk3!
Did I make the right decision or should I have kept with the purchase?