I'm guessing that the ball on the floor is for the pooch?
Very nicely laid out. Clean, yet homey. Do those table lamps reflect off of the screen very much?
Ha, yes - good call. The ball is definitely one of pooch's toys, and one of his favorites I might add, next to a couple of Kongs lying about somewhere, off camera.
Actually the lamps aren't that bad - I had the same hesitations at first, but so far haven't had too many problems. Usually, when watching actual movies, we'll turn the lights off anyway.
are you still gonna do the hinge thing on the sbs'es? nice new TV btw.
Probably not, as I had to drill holes into the JBL's to make the hinge system work, and would rather not so this with the SBS's. Obviously, due to limited space, my options are likewise limited, but looking at possibly fashioning some very short stands to place them on each end table, to get them up to roughly ear-level - might work, but still taking some measurements, and of course factoring in the WAF.
Very nice Halon. BTW, how do u like userability of the TV. My in-laws were looking to get a flat panel and I suggested the Panny. There not "techy people" as we would call it. So lm trying to find something that's easy to set up or that looks great out of the box.
The TV is probably one of the most user-friendly sets I've worked with - it did look very good right out of the box, but as we all know - anything good is worth tweaking until it's great!
The menu system is very easy to navigate and easy to understand for non-"techy" people - and does have the ability to auto-detect HDMI, when connected and will select this as the primary source, which can be either pretty cool, or a pain in the a$$ if you have multiple sources connected through different means. I'd say your in-laws would not have a problem with this TV at all - they're likely not "tweakers" like we are, they'd be able to set it up right out of the box and be very happy with it.
That looks good. Seems like it should score high on WAF.
I took a day off from work a couple Fridays ago, and got rid of all the old stuff, and moved this new stuff in, so it was already set up when she came home from work herself. I was a little nervous that she would think the TV is "way too big".. but she knew I wanted at least a 50". She loved it as soon as she walked in - said it looks tons better than the old setup - shown here for comparison: