I didn't intend to start a debate over which lens and which camera one should use. I would hope we could stop bickering and stick to the OP.......

Come on guys and gals don't get touchy this far into the game.....
Neither did I, camera fanboys are the WORST ... seriously, it's way worse in the Nikon vs. Canon world than it is in any instance of the audio world. That's the big reason why I stopped posting on sites like dpreview long ago, because couch photogs want to try and nitpick specifications to show that brand X is superior. But Pro's like myself couldn't care less about what gear you're using, just the results.
I thought I made it pretty clear with my first point in the post that I've owned them all, and they all take equally awesome pics. But the first tiny point I make of some brand being better than another is jumped on as "nonsense".
Fanboying for some multi-national corporation of which you have NO involvement, now that's nonsense.
Like I said, they ALL take fantastic pictures ... even Pentax

Just go to the store and see which one has the menus and controls that make the most sense to YOU. It doesn't matter that I think Cannon's menu system is crap, and that big menu wheel is a total pain. It only matters what you think.
I just realized I have a brand new D70s sitting in the basement that I bought about 2 years ago and never took out of the box. It was a backup camera for my pair of D200's, but never needed it. I'd sell it for $350 or something if you want it, and could throw in a thing or two.