Ok, so i understand i cant cut off access to the port and make a smaller starting point on the port, but can i add layers of MDF, gluing them ontop of what i already have? that would bring down the area of the port, and i would still have tonnes of room in terms of port chuffing (around 12ms max with modded 2 inch slot port).
If that holds true, would it be possible to just add to the bottom layer, as it is 1\2 of the area of the port in itself?. Say, if i modded just the bottom to be 1.5 inches, while the port above would be 3". Would this just make an average of 2.25" port, but have the vent velocity of a 1.5" port? I emagine it like a giant double flared slot port, bringing down the tuning freq and bring up the vent velocity.
If that doesnt work, would it just add more turbulence coming out the port? I dont want to take my box apart, i clamped and glued and screwed that thing tight.