If maximum fidelity is your concern then typical recommendations are virtually useless. Rather a pair of high quality pair of neutral loudspeakers integrated with stereo subwoofers via a high quality DSP is ideal. Please bear in mind that such a system requires more involvement in setup, but will allow for a completely customizable tonality such that idea playback is possible. In addition, proper acoustic treatment is not optional there is no way around this if ideal performance is the goal.
Loudspeakers: B&W 801 Matrix II or III from the late 1980's - about $2500
Subwoofers: 2x SVS PB13 Ultra - $3200
DSP: DCX2496 - $300
Amplifier: Yamaha P2500S - $400
Receiver: Yamaha RX-V2500 - $350
While the speakers recommended are old they are still comparable to speakers costing $15k-25k today. Regardless of the new or used market at this price point there is no superior alternative. Please note, if you do have a chance to audition these speakers prior to buying their actual tonality is meaningless. This means, if you don't like how the speaker sounds that is okay. The DSP will allow you to fix such issues, the primary concern with this recommendation is neutrality such that maximum fidelity can be achieved through proper manipulation.
The subwoofers were chosen because they are extremely capable of high SPL, as requested, along side being extraordinarily linear. If you are wanting to save money it would be extremely reasonable to drop down to a lower class subwoofer and still maintain superb performance. Also note, if you are at all comfortable with working wood a lower cost alternative has already been designed which will likely outperform the ultra in 20-25Hz range and have equal output above. This design and its full instructions as well as a review can be found
The DCX2496 is recommended because it is a high quality DSP that will allow for optimal integration of your subwoofers (to be placed within 3 feet of each main speaker crossing over at about 80Hz). Also, this unit will allow you to fully tailor the response of your subwoofers as well as your loudspeakers such that virtually any tonality is achieved.
The amplifier recommended is a high quality pro-amplifier that will power your speakers fully without any signal depredation. This item was chosen because of its relative low cost and high performance. Along side this the fan will likely never turn on in home use.
The Yamaha receiver chosen will work perfectly as a superb processor while maintaining low cost and high quality craftsmanship.
Please note that the electronics listed can easily be found for less than the price shown. I listed typical street prices, for example I paid $225 for my DCX and have seen the Yamaha 2500 go for about $100 less than listed. If you are willing to put in a little extra work you can save some more money.
Any left over budget should be allocated towards room treatments. Even for a novice woodworker or someone with no experience at all I would recommend building these yourself. They are extremely simple to build and will optimize sound quality. If you are further interested in this suggestion I will be willing to help outline proper treatment methodology if a floor plan of the room is provided.
Another thing to note: Using a Radioshack SPL meter and
Room EQ Wizard (free just sign up for the forums). This will allow for fairly accurate measurement of bass response allowing for equalization in response to room interaction.