Greetings from Japan



Been lurking on the boards for awhile. Decided to join the community and share the passion and love for HT with the rest of you guys. Im also on the Polk Audio forums so some may recognize the name. Anyway a nice and friendly hello from Japan brothers.
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

Welcome to Audioholic :)! Hope all is well over in Japan. We have a nice crowd of regulars here, jump in and enjoy the fun.



Junior Audioholic
Welcome to the forum Sherardp. Its always an interesting read here and a big pool of knowledgable people to help out. Enjoy.:)


Mike C, am I correct in thinking youre in P.I. If so thats cool bro, Im on my way out to Manila for a little R&R. If youre not then pardon the mistake my friend. I too just built some nice real estate out here in Japan. Ive seen your setups over on AVS as well. Pretty wicked bro, as I was thinking of adding an Ultra to my dual PB12/Plus 2 setup. Thanks for the welcome gents.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
Mike C, am I correct in thinking youre in P.I. If so thats cool bro, Im on my way out to Manila for a little R&R. If youre not then pardon the mistake my friend. I too just built some nice real estate out here in Japan. Ive seen your setups over on AVS as well. Pretty wicked bro, as I was thinking of adding an Ultra to my dual PB12/Plus 2 setup. Thanks for the welcome gents.
yes i'm from the PI, when exactly are you coming over? :)


Audioholic Jedi
As the others have said, welcome to the forum! Good to have you here.


Hi and welcome to the forum...I love Japan. I am there about once a year.


Audioholic Spartan
Welcome. I love Japanese products. I sure wish I could get my hands on the superb electronics that are available to you. I am in the USA.

Not only the electronics, but a Toyota Supra would do the trick as well. I had a '85 model. Superb vehicle.

Also, the 2-stroke bikes. Got a '01 Honda CR250R in near perfect condition. We just about can't get 2-stroke Japanese bikes anymore.

I have never left the US, but if I had a choice to visit somewhere, it would be Japan. It just fascinates me.


Audioholic Overlord
Hello and welcome to the forum. Here, you will find a very good group of guys that are helpful. All you really have to do is ask. ;);) Like you, I am also on the Polk Forum under the name Polkphil38. However, I really don't post too much over there as I much prefer this forum to ALL others. Hope you find the same. :):)




again thanks for the welcome brothers, I see I'm also among fellow motorcyclists as well. I ride a 06 MV Agusta F41000S at the moment. Pretty kick a$$ bike, if not on the bike then Im in the theater room doing something. As mentioned above I just got into a new home out here. I work for a great company back there in the USA. Been out in Japan for the past 5 yrs and recently was asked to stay another 5 to work contracts for the US government. So far its been awesome here. Also served time out here when I was in the Marines.


Audioholic Spartan
Anybody with dual Plus/2's is alright by me. Glad to have you in the forum.


Audioholic Warlord
Welcome. I love Japanese products.

I have never left the US, but if I had a choice to visit somewhere, it would be Japan. It just fascinates me.
Could have fooled me. :eek: I would have thought Germany was first on your list.

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