Very cool, Andrew! I was waiting for this to go public. It's great that you are putting up information for others.
Just a thought (which I never got around to PMing you...sorry

), but I think that it's got some merit in the open forum: The more someone tells me that I can trust them, the less likely I am to do it. You mention "credible" around your site a bit, and I think that's up to the readers to decide. Under "Links", you state how credible sources are - but belief in that will depend on if someone thinks that you are credible. Trust is something that needs to be gained. You have earned it here, but probably not on the internet in general.
I hope that didn't come across wrong. It's not meant as an insult.
Again, I think that it is very cool that you've put that site together. I'm looking forward to watching it grow and progress.