The music has varied. Here is a list of stuff off the top of my head
Music CD's:
Jurassic Park soundtrack
The Dark Knight soundtrack
Maroon 5 - Songs about Jane
Mana - Live En Vivo and Unplugged
Ani Di Franco - she has some cool unplugged stuff
From the iPod:
Josh Groban
Steve Jablonsky - Transformers soundtrack
Metallica - The Black Album
Ray Brown Trio - Some of my Best Friends are Jazz Singers
Royal Crown Revue - Greetings from Hollywood
Toy Story II
LOTR - Fellowship of the Ring
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Incredible Hulk
For your reference I calibrate my receiver at 0 to 75 db pink noise using an RS SPL meter.
Watching movies at -10 seems to be the sweet spot, any louder than that and the dynamic scenes start to get a little harsh, I believe this is a characteristic of my room and seating location given that I am 12-18" off the back wall (which is 19 feet wide) with no room treatments behind me. To make a point, my other speakers are obviously playing during movies and I think they are being pushed to their limits at this level.
Music I run a little quieter just because I have no need to sit back, relax, and listen to music at -10 db's reference level. I enjoy listening at -15 db's reference and the speakers really sound great and have handled all content at that level without harshness, compression, or unwanted noises.
I enjoy the speakers the most when it's late (after kids are in bed) and I lay down on the couch and listen to jazz music or some classical stuff. Basically easy going stuff that I can zone out to. I am discovering that I enjoy listening to the instruments in music, specifically unplugged instruments. I am a fan of the viola, piano, upright bass, even some saxophone if it isn't too brassy. I would be a fan of drums if my sub were a little better
I plan on doing some searching here on the forum for some good cd's to pick up and listen to. I want to find some cd's with challenging and full content that isn't all in the bass region since my sub isn't the sweetest.
Sheesh, this post got really long...