Hey Frank.... I caught some of your discussion on your Fathoms over at AVS.
If you haven't already read this.... Outlaw makes a great manual for the SMS-1,
http://pdf.outlawaudio.com/outlaw/docs/sms1guide.pdf which will be a great tool for you to get familiar with the unit... Everything is spelled out to a T in that manual, even Stacking, which is where you put 2 or more sliders very close together which will increase/decrease the amount of EQ that you will use in a smaller Freq range ... Read the manual quick, you will see...
Once you get it setup, you will see how incredibly easy it is to use, its almost stupid really how simple it is... Its fun to play with for the first day or so, but honestly once you get it set ya just leave it alone.
I will never use the auto setup on the SMS, it just plain didn't correct all the issues as good as you can manually. Also, make sure that when you get it, to check the firmware, to make sure you have to latest. Very Important....
If you have any questions, please feel free to come back and ask, or even at the JL thread, everyone is familiar with the unit, I honestly doubt you will have any problems getting it working immediately,
So simple, even a Caveman can do it.....