I’m not going to keep arguing this as it’s tiring. I’ve been arguing the same thing with people of all ages for a very long time. Until you hear it, you’ll not understand.
Well, I have been out of car audio for quiet some time now, but I will let you in on what my last system was.
Alpine HU
MB Quart 6.5", 4", and 1" separates up front. Linear Power 1502IQ amp.
MB Quart 4", and 1" separates in rear. Linear Power 952IQ amp.
Kicker Solo Baric (12" round) in sealed custom MDF box. Linear Power 2202IQ amp.(modified)
Audio Control ESP2 spatial separation for the front speakers.
Audio Control Epicenter for the sub.
This was a sound quality system, not a sound pressure system. So, I am pretty sure I understand.
I currently have all equipment(stored), except for the LP 1502 which I just sold on Craigslist. I also have a stock LP 2202 which was used in a system prior to the one mentioned above.