My first ever eBay bid



Audioholic Jedi
Make sure that you get the proper "Speed Rated" cord for the phone!
I'm hoping to find a good Denon phone cord. I hear they make some pretty nice ethernet cables. ;)

You should put directions on how to use a rotary phone and a phone book right next to it for everyone else.
:D Yes, it certainly is old school. My office mate has probably never used one before. It was fun dialing my parents yesterday (on their cell phone...something is wrong when their technology is decades ahead of mine). As for that term, "dialing," you notice that a lot of people still use that term? You don't actually dial a push button phone, after all.

I just got my new phone book delivered yesterday. It went straight into the recycling bin. I haven't used a phone book in years.


Audioholic Jedi
The internet has not yet ceased to amaze me. I'm still in awe of the information that is available. For example, how to disassemble a rotary dial phone - took a little looking, but there it was. I even found a video of it on YouTube.

Now, this phone looks so much better than it did when it arrived. I wouldn't say that I "reconditioned" it, but I sure as heck cleaned it well. Makes me almost wish that I hadn't spent $100 on the other one (that will hopefully arrive tomorrow). Almost. :) The microphone and earpiece diaphragms look a little aged (to be expected), so I'm hopeful the ones in the other phone look better.

I must say that I'd forgotten just how comfortable those older handsets and earpieces were. Wow. What a nice difference. And the sound quality is very good, even with the worn diaphragms.

Hmmm. My new hobby? I wonder if Krell sells these...
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Hey Adam. Glad you are having fun with your phones.

I can imagine those phones would sound better than these crap digital ones we have today.

I was thinking about this earlier, are these the same ones the phone company used to own and we rented. I remember when I was quite young that we did not actually own the phone that we rented it.


Audioholic Jedi
Yes, they are the same ones (at least, I can say that with certainty for the one that I got last week). The handset says "Bell System property. Not for sale." I can't remember the details, but I seem to recall that either people were able to buy them or where just given them when Ma Bell split (or around then).


Audioholic Jedi
Seeing as how it's a slow forum night...

You should put directions on how to use a rotary phone and a phone book right next to it for everyone else.
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Audioholic Jedi
Kinda. So far, I've just bid on the two phones. The first one, I bid in the last one minute of the auction...but I was the only bidder. It was a snipe, I suppose, but a lonely one. The second one, I waited days just to bid in the last 30 seconds and got the upper hand, and then someone tried to snipe it in the last ~2 seconds...but they didn't put a high enough bid in. Sucker. :)


Audioholic Spartan
Very nice! More people need to learn to wait to the last few seconds to put their bids in... I hate it when these ebay noobs have bidding wars and keep driving the price up on the things I want to snipe at the last min.


Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, it torqued me off that the bid went from $10 to over $40 within about two hours of me putting in the first bid. I was the noob. :eek: I have now learned from the masters! I'm never going to bid until the last few seconds.


Audioholic Slumlord
You can blatantly see where I stopped painting the kitchen last month, but I plan on finishing that up this weekend.
I thought that jagged line represented the lousy econimic desisions made by the republicans that resulted in you not being able to buy more paint. :)

Maybe I read too much into it. :D
The Dali

The Dali

Yeah, it torqued me off that the bid went from $10 to over $40 within about two hours of me putting in the first bid. I was the noob. :eek: I have now learned from the masters! I'm never going to bid until the last few seconds.

I'v had auctions where a relatively pricey item (like an electric guitar) would be $189 with 30 seconds left (with me in the lead) and would end up at $550. Seriously! It only takes two people to bid at the last second with relatively high maximum bids to drive up the price like crzay just before the auction ends.

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