My first ever eBay bid



eBay or prison? :D

Yeah, eBay is kinda fun. There's only one item that I want right now, and I've got a few days before I need to gear up for the final assault. I have to say, I'm more of an man - see it, click it, instantly own it. :)
Instant gratification is a great thing........:D ,Oh I meant Jail...:eek::D


Audioholic Jedi
Today's the day. I gotta get myself mentally prepared for the final battle. A third bidder entered the fray a couple of days ago. Although it will be immensely boring in reality, inside my imagination, this is going to be like the eBay version of Smokin' Aces.


Adam you need to stay strong in these trying times. Take a deep breath and BEAT these people trying to hone in on your prize. I don't care what people say ,I wouldn't pay more than $20,000 dollars for that unless it makes pancakes too...


Audioholic Jedi
I think that I'll take Pat's advice and go with $20,000.01, just to give me that extra edge.

Unfortunately, no - it doesn't make pancakes.


You may want to watch those 1 cent bumps that could go on for hours......:eek::D


Audioholic Jedi
You may want to watch those 1 cent bumps that could go on for hours......:eek::D
Not a worry. I've learned my lesson. That's gonna get dropped within 30 seconds of the end. I'll be so far away, they won't hear the bid until about five seconds after they feel it hit.


Audioholic Jedi
Just sitting here, waiting for the target to get into open view...


Audioholic Jedi
[Flashes back to eBay SEAL training.]

"Concentrate, soldier!"

"Sir, yes, SIR!"

"Now, what is our motto?"

"One bid, one win."

"I can't hear you!"


[Comes out of fog, focuses back on target area.]


Audioholic Jedi
So what did you get?
This is an all-day op. I was getting in the zone, but I gotta hunker down and wait for my window. If intelligence is accurate on this one, I'll be able to tell you in around three hours.

The bid has been firm for two days now. I might not need to call in that air strike for the MOAB - the mother of all bids. ;)
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
LMAO. You are really psyched for this and I hope you get it.

With as much energy as you are putting into it I think it must be and espresso machine.:D


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks! Yeah, you'd think that it was something cool like an expresso machine. Sadly, you all will likely be pretty disappointed or just plain uninterested once I tell you. :eek:

However, as they say, it's the journey not the destination. :D
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Thanks! Yeah, you'd think that it was something cool like an expresso machine. Sadly, you all will likely be pretty disappointed or just plain uninterested once I tell you. :eek:
Hey some us have other interests outside of AV.:eek:

:rolleyes:Well I guess I still think about this stuff even when I'm doing my other hobbies. But that is why they call us audioholics.:D

However, as they say, it's the journey not the destination. :D
This is what I keep telling myself as I am working on finishing the theater and have no HT.:(


Audioholic Jedi
This is what I keep telling myself as I am working on finishing the theater and have no HT.:(
You'll get there! Have no worries. I'm sure that you'll be really happy once it's all done.

As for the auction item, it's like something that was in my house growing up, and I think it would be nice to have one again. On thinking some more, it'll spark some memories for others of you here, seeing as how a number of you are just a bit older than me. Nothing exciting, mind you, but familiar.

I just got all worked up with the sniper analogy. Unfortunately, I think that I might get recalled to the extraction point before walk the dog. We'll see. If that happens, I'll set off the max-bid charges and just hope that they last long enough to take out the competition.


Audioholic Samurai
As for the auction item, it's like something that was in my house growing up, and I think it would be nice to have one again. On thinking some more, it'll spark some memories for others of you here, seeing as how a number of you are just a bit older than me.
You know the Leg Lamp is for sale. It's only $44.95 plus s/h. You really don't need to bid on ebay for one. :D

Nothing exciting, mind you, but familiar.
Nothing exciting! There's nothing more exciting than "electric sex"!

Uhhh...that's gonna elicit some comments...



Audioholic Jedi
"When will it be in sight?"

Wait one. That information is not yet available.


Audioholic Jedi
"Target is in the open. Take the shot. Take the shot now."

Shot is away...

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