I got real close to hot water when I went out and bought my Velo DD-15 and my Pioneer Elite VSX-94TXH all in one go shortly after buying my Paradigms. I bought my Paradigm's really smart, took my time, found a really good option on Ebay and bid. Got them significantly cheaper then I would in store. Then, I had an itch one day after reading some reviews on the receiver. It had just come out, and I wanted on the Blu-ray / HDMI bandwagon. Well sure enough, I found myself in a really nice audio store, spent about 6 hours going through everything there, sampling everything they had. I had brought my own CD's and I was listening to a pair of Signature 6's with a Velodyne sub and I was enamored. Ended up spending 5 grand or so all on the plastic. Should I have done it ? Probably not. Am I greatly satisfied with my purchase, yes, extremely. I personally like how Adam put it, because realistically thats how it is. I don't want to be working for several months to pay off an item. A week, maybe a month of work and I'm fine with that. But once your looking at long-term effort to pay off something it looses its appeal. A house is different, its value will appreciate and is an investment, however things that will depreciate in value I'm more leary of investing large sums of time into. That said, my audio equipment is almost entirely paid off, I smell future investments come October.