How much is too much?



I was a disenchanted Bose owner when I found AH, but I am more than happy with my latest Bose system, except for how it sounds.;)
But Davemcc, you have the Bose V-8 enhancement module :rolleyes: which makes it a very acceptable choice in certain mobile applications :rolleyes:

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Where the hell did my post go? I posted in this thread this morning, and now it is gone!:eek:

The gist was that I am permanently satisfied with the electronics in both of my systems, could use an upgrade of the speakers in the stereo (up to maybe $2000/pr if what I get for that is something really special), and feel that my HT speakers are more than I really need.


Audioholic Spartan
But Davemcc, you have the Bose V-8 enhancement module :rolleyes: which makes it a very acceptable choice in certain mobile applications :rolleyes:
I would like to perform a mobile Bose replacement upgrade, but I haven't really found an effective and affordable way to do it. I guess you could say nothing's caught my eye, just yet.

The best method I've found to manage mobile Bose systems is to leave them in the "off" position and let the V8 provide the auditory satisfaction.:D


I got real close to hot water when I went out and bought my Velo DD-15 and my Pioneer Elite VSX-94TXH all in one go shortly after buying my Paradigms. I bought my Paradigm's really smart, took my time, found a really good option on Ebay and bid. Got them significantly cheaper then I would in store. Then, I had an itch one day after reading some reviews on the receiver. It had just come out, and I wanted on the Blu-ray / HDMI bandwagon. Well sure enough, I found myself in a really nice audio store, spent about 6 hours going through everything there, sampling everything they had. I had brought my own CD's and I was listening to a pair of Signature 6's with a Velodyne sub and I was enamored. Ended up spending 5 grand or so all on the plastic. Should I have done it ? Probably not. Am I greatly satisfied with my purchase, yes, extremely. I personally like how Adam put it, because realistically thats how it is. I don't want to be working for several months to pay off an item. A week, maybe a month of work and I'm fine with that. But once your looking at long-term effort to pay off something it looses its appeal. A house is different, its value will appreciate and is an investment, however things that will depreciate in value I'm more leary of investing large sums of time into. That said, my audio equipment is almost entirely paid off, I smell future investments come October.


I would like to perform a mobile Bose replacement upgrade, but I haven't really found an effective and affordable way to do it. I guess you could say nothing's caught my eye, just yet.

The best method I've found to manage mobile Bose systems is to leave them in the "off" position and let the V8 provide the auditory satisfaction.:D
LOL, I installed an Invidia sound upgrade on my S2000 and left the radio on OFF. Much better, because the top is never up, unless surprise 100% humidity occurs. That and a good dog make you feel at least 10 years, maybe even 20 years, younger :cool: :cool:
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Senior Audioholic
I have become a big believer in if you can't pay cash for it, you can't afford it. That is an idea that just doesn't seem to jive with contemporary America, though. Unfortunately too many people think if they have enough of a credit line for it or if they can spread the burden of the purchase of several years then they can afford it. It is the "I want it now" mentality that is slowly sinking a very large majority of our society into permanent and insurmountable debt. Are there some things that are better than others to get on credit, sure, houses, cars, things that have value over time or eventually will make you able to earn more money. But too many people have a very hard time discerning a necessity investment to a luxury investment. Our hobby is a luxury, pure and simple, so IMHO if you can't pay cash for it, you can't afford it. I don't think lesser of anyone who does use credit to get what they want sooner, many people do this and are extremely responsible about how they go about it, but there are far too many who aren't. Thanks for reading my thoughts.


Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Mud, I agree 100%. I have never bought anything on credit in my life. If I ever do, it will be something major like a house or car. The reason I don't have very expensive speakers is that I lack the patience to wait as long as it takes to save up for them.


Audioholic Jedi
How much are YOU willing to spend?

That is what I would like to know from everyone.

How much is each one of use willing to spend?

For me, I don't think it's unreasonable to spend $30K total on a dedicated HT room. I wouldn't spend $30K all at once. It could be over a period of 5 or more years. For example, say you had a budget of $1-2K per year?

How much are YOU willing to spend?





I think we just need to think really hard on this budget. Then spend the next year planning on which components are the absolute best with this budget.


Audioholic Warlord
How much is each one of use willing to spend?
My limit is dictated by my financial situation at that time.

A few years ago I was cash flush. Today I can't say that. But if things keep going in the direction I am headed. I will again be back in the saddle in a year, or two.


Audioholic Jedi
Must be nice to have that price-no-object lifestyle while the rest of us have to keep our blu-ray budget to $24.95.:D
It's one of the luxuries that comes from having a 14-year-old TV (and having not spent money on a new one). :)


Audioholic Overlord
I tend to use the "speacials" on the things that I purchase. One example is the 73'' DLP. It was a '18months same as cash deal' and I have not paid a penny on it. It's my money and I like it in the account it is in. About 2 days before the deal expires I will just pay the total amount in full. I do the same thing with furniture, appliances and anything else I need/want.


Audioholic Overlord
I am ~12k deep now and willing to go another 12 when I get a dedicated HT room.
That is what I would like to know from everyone.

How much is each one of use willing to spend?

For me, I don't think it's unreasonable to spend $30K total on a dedicated HT room. I wouldn't spend $30K all at once. It could be over a period of 5 or more years. For example, say you had a budget of $1-2K per year?

How much are YOU willing to spend?





I think we just need to think really hard on this budget. Then spend the next year planning on which components are the absolute best with this budget.


Audioholic Warlord
I tend to use the "speacials" on the things that I purchase. One example is the 73'' DLP. It was a '18months same as cash deal' and I have not paid a penny on it. It's my money and I like it in the account it is in. About 2 days before the deal expires I will just pay the total amount in full. I do the same thing with furniture, appliances and anything else I need/want.
Same as your haircuts. :eek:



Audioholic Jedi
That's just not right.

Ummm, I mean "not that there's anything wrong with that."

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