New Oppo BDP S83 Blu-Ray player!!!



Audioholic Chief
I will buy that player.

A little off-topic: Wouldn't it be nice if players with nice video processors could function as video processors for external video sources? I know that would mean more cost because more types of video would have to be handled, but if it basically has the DVDO processor anyway.....
That would be nice. I could use an external processor to do some vertical stretching for a potential constant image height set-up.


Senior Audioholic
Don't despair fellow OPPO fanatics!

OPPO doesn't have a DVD-Audio logo on the unit because their prototype doesn't officially support it yet. I'd bet with 100% confidence that OPPO will have it in the final unit. Meridian Lossless Packing is used in Dolby TrueHD!

However, if you look closely at their front panel LCD, there is a spot reserved for DVD-Audio.

This image is courtesy of username 'adude' at the AVS Forum.


Senior Audioholic
By the way, the unit's name is the BDP-83. The S was inserted by mistake in the original AVS Forum thread.


Audioholic Overlord
Me too man! Me too. Glad I've held out.
Yeah, guess we played smart on this one. Heck, I would not only high five ya croseiv, but give you a big hug right now................LOL!!!! :eek::eek: Just kidding my friend. But, hey we are cool eh? :cool::cool:




Audioholic Overlord
Woah, a new avatar! Almost didn't recognize ya. :)

With all the talk that Oppo gets around here, and the positive customer reviews elsewhere, I'm pretty excited about this unit, too.
Geez Adam, you never noticed my avatar. :(:( Now you hurt me feel goods. :confused::confused: For the love of it all..............LOL!!!!! :p:p




Audioholic Jedi
Geez Adam, you never noticed my avatar. :(:( Now you hurt me feel goods. :confused::confused: For the love of it all..............LOL!!!!! :p:p
Hey, now! :D I remember offering to help you out with your avatar back when you were trying to figure out how to resize images. I remember putting up an image of a certain someone (the lovely J. Alba). I was just so hurt and distraught that you didn't use it...

Kidding, of course! I certainly noticed your subs on your avatar, my man. Lookin' good.



Junior Audioholic
Man I will be hugely ecstatic if Oppo can get this out quickly!!!


Audioholic General
I leave Audioholics for a couple days and look what I miss! Thanks for the heads-up; looks like I've found my BD player!


PS: Anyone know if this player will play DivX files?


Audioholic Overlord
Hey, now! :D I remember offering to help you out with your avatar back when you were trying to figure out how to resize images. I remember putting up an image of a certain someone (the lovely J. Alba). I was just so hurt and distraught that you didn't use it...

Kidding, of course! I certainly noticed your subs on your avatar, my man. Lookin' good.

Hey Adam, who says I didn't use the Jessica Alba image-just not for an avatar...............LOL!!!!!!! :eek::eek: No really, I remember you offering to help. As always, it is most appreciated. Sowwy, if I hurt your feel-goods my friend...........LOL!!!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:




Audioholic General
Another report:

And Oppo says:
"The BDP-83 will be a Profile 2.0 that features the ABT 2010 de-interlacing and scaling solution for both DVD and Blu-Ray media. The product as currently implemented supports SACD. We are investigating the possibility of DVD-Audio support.

The player will support the transportation and decoding of the Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Digital TrueHD, DTS High Resolution, and DTS HD-Master. In the current implementation only the core DD and DTS are supported, but the hardware will support the transportation and decoding of these formats in the future.

No price has been established, but we are throwing around $499~699 as the possible price points. Anticipated release is Winter (November through February)"



Senior Audioholic
If this player supports Dolby TrueHD and not DVD-A that is just plain silly. Both formats use basically the same MLP algorythm). I've been waiting for this player for a while to replace 2 units (Oppo 981 and PS3). I will definately pass if it does not support DVD-A.

Looks like their may be some hope, however with the space appearing on the front display. :D


Audioholic Intern
I know what I'm getting for Christmas. :D I've been hoping that Oppo would release a BD-player. I was *this* close to getting a 983, but I saw a slightly used XA2 that someone wanted to get rid of for an amount less than the 983.
Besides, Oppo's a local company a couple miles north from where I live. You know what they say about supporting your local business's. :)


Audioholic Intern
Another report:

And Oppo says:
"The BDP-83 will be a Profile 2.0 that features the ABT 2010 de-interlacing and scaling solution for both DVD and Blu-Ray media. The product as currently implemented supports SACD. We are investigating the possibility of DVD-Audio support.

The player will support the transportation and decoding of the Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Digital TrueHD, DTS High Resolution, and DTS HD-Master. In the current implementation only the core DD and DTS are supported, but the hardware will support the transportation and decoding of these formats in the future.

No price has been established, but we are throwing around $499~699 as the possible price points. Anticipated release is Winter (November through February)"

I suppose this will have the same low end DACs as the 983 (except the 8 channel version instead of 6). In that case will it do DSD pass-through to HDMI or will it be converted to PCM as in the 983?


Junior Audioholic
I will buy that player.

A little off-topic: Wouldn't it be nice if players with nice video processors could function as video processors for external video sources? I know that would mean more cost because more types of video would have to be handled, but if it basically has the DVDO processor anyway.....
I agree completely and was about to post the same. What's the incremental cost to put at least an HDMI-in? I'm assuming analog-in (e.g. component + audio) would be a considerable complexity, but even being able to run my Roku through this would be great!


HEY guys! How about something on topic and intelligent?

This is an internet forum on AV, not ham radio. Where is the administrator? We know you are all cool and love each other, man, and what a cool avatar and yeah, man.

Hey, now! :D I remember offering to help you out with your avatar back when you were trying to figure out how to resize images. I remember putting up an image of a certain someone (the lovely J. Alba). I was just so hurt and distraught that you didn't use it...

Kidding, of course! I certainly noticed your subs on your avatar, my man. Lookin' good.

adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
This is an internet forum on AV, not ham radio. Where is the administrator? We know you are all cool and love each other, man, and what a cool avatar and yeah, man.

And this post was so on topic and helpful. Thanks.
Last edited:


Audioholic Spartan
This is an internet forum on AV, not ham radio. Where is the administrator? We know you are all cool and love each other, man, and what a cool avatar and yeah, man.
You should watch a little before criticizing.

If you just knew how many noobies' hands this guy has helped, and how many welcome mats he's laid out for noobies, let alone the advice, you might bite your tongue.

There's a reason why he has good rep, and there's a reason why you do not. Your post is going to make many think about giving you negative rep. I say this because I'm tempted to so for the first time ever. I won't. I still give you the benefit of the doubt.

If we weren't allowed to have fun every once in a while, how do we pass the time when there is a dearth of forum activity?

Just listen and learn for a bit. You can always use the ignore function as well. good luck.

edit: come to think of it . . . staying glued to the details of a future player . . . is time not very well spent anyways. Its often speculation anyhow.


I just got an email from OPPO stating they will be bringing the Blu-Ray player to the public by thanksgiving. I hope this is correct...


Audioholic Overlord
I just got an email from OPPO stating they will be bringing the Blu-Ray player to the public by thanksgiving. I hope this is correct...
Oh man Jamie that will be so great if this happens! Been waiting for this one. This is why I been holding off before taking the jump into BR. Guess, as always, I am looking for a deal of deals. ;);)



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